I did not fall off the face of the earth...
Hello ladies! Its been a while since I've posted. Any of you that read my latest blog will know why I've been on hiatus from obesityhelp.
I've had a rough past few months. My weight loss had become non-existent. This is partly due to my carb intake, I think. I don't think I eat a lot, but I had been eating the wrong things for a while. (When I started going back to school this fall, it was much easier to order a Wendy's cheese & bacon potato than a piece of lean protein!) But I'm working on identifying bad choices now, and I'm losing about 2 lbs a month. I figure that's better than zero. I also haven't had a lot of time for exercise, and when I do, it seems I'd rather relax and watch Dr. Phil. LOL
Old habits die hard, eh?
Happy Holidays to everyone!! Hope you guys have a good one.
I know what you mean
School has really done a number on my eating habits and the scale is reflecting it. I had a really really really long stall and suddenly two weeks ago I lost about nine pounds in a week. I am back to grazing on things like baked lays, pretzels, etc.
One thing you should check into is whether or not your school offers PE classes. Next semester I'm taking fitness walking, aerobics, and self defense. They're all one hour courses, so not too costly. This way I KNOW I'll get my exercise in everyday like I'm supposed to.
Also, do you go to support group meetings? I'm lucky enough to have an awesome support group in my area. I started going last month and can tell it's totally going to be worth it.
Good luck! I know it's super hard, but just take it one day at a time.

Cathryn - Love the new avatar. You have done great and can continue to lose, the scale will love for you again. I know that carbs are addicting and it seems when I have just a little, I want more. Don't get discouraged, you recognize what's going on and that's the first step. Don't stay away so long either!!
I have been thinking of you lately- wondering where you were...
I struggle with the food too- if i wasn't compensating by the exercise I think i would have gained by now.
Old habits do die hard- I let it run wild last week and it's taking a lot of work to get the carb monster off my back...
Hang in there-
I was wondering yesterday where you were!
I have battled with the carb demon too. What got me on track was to put them away completely. I record everything I eat on FitDay. I have discovered that when I am eating carbs I don't want to exercise but when I am eating what I should be eating then I want to exercise or feel compelled to exercise. And now suddenly, the scale is moving. By recording everything, I have developed an awareness nutrition.
I am convinced that I have moved into the phase where I have to not rely totally on my pouch but to work the program. I had a long talk with myself and accepted that I will have to work at this and I must get the weight off during this golden period of time and not procrastinate.
I know you can do this. We have a challenge going that is a personal challenge, not a contest. Maybe you would like to join us? Scroll down to find that post and check it out. You have done so well. If you feel like you need to talk with a life coach or therapist about this, don't hesitate. Those old habits are hard demons to battle.
Katy B
Hey Cathryn...we've missed you around here! I know that there are times when we get discouraged and just need to check out for a while...no worries...someone is always here to lend support whenever one of us needs it. Especially when it concenrns the "carb
"...he is cunning and tricky!! Always trying to get back into our good graces...and we often fall for it. But, we can always kick those carbs aside and get back on track...it's never too late to begin again! I look forward to seeing your lovely face around here more often!!

Hey Cathryn ..
I am right there with you, the slow loss and the carb monster beating down my door! I am trying to lose 13 pounds by January 15th so I quit Starbucks as of last night ... I think I have been drinking about 200-400 calories a day in nonfat lattes! I'm hoping to replace those calories with food and try and drink something like tea or crystal light instead. When "Crackbucks" starts calling my name I am planning on telling myself
"200 calories that will be on your ass!"
You'll get through it, you have made it this far!!!
You are so right about Starbucks. I went to their website this last week and discovered how many calories I have been taking in. I was surprised to find that my decaf, nonfat, sugar free latte wasn't completely decaf, nonfat, or sugar free. Yikes.
So I have cut way back on my Starbucks. I am saving money too
Katy B

Don't despair, and don't hide from us, because trust me, there are a LOT of us battling the same "carb demon" as Suz calls it hehe.
I've been losing, stalling, losing, stalling for months. I love carbs, hate exercise and would rather do almost anything than pop in the exercise video.
Sooo... no giving up... just do what you are doing, try to re-focus your food desires away from carbs and into protein. Skip the baked potatoes and get the Wendy's Chili instead -- a small one.
Try to plan your "to go" meals ahead of time... keep cheese sticks and low fat nuts in the car to eat on the go. Pack a freezer pack lunch bag with some lunch meat roll-ups in it... along with some pickles for crunch or whatever you like to eat that is similar.
I'm right there with you, as are a lot of others, so keep coming back and visiting us
and keep on trying. That's what will get us to goal... the continued effort.