Thanksgiving now and then
I hope everyone had a good Turkey Day! We had a wonderful one! It was just the boys and I....we stayed in our jammies all day...took our time cooking our dinner...enjoyed trying some new recipes like SF pecan pie. It was wonderful to not have to go and run somewhere else or to entertain others in our house. The only thing that would have been better was to have Bob home with us but, we did get to talk to him on the phone today. The Army fed them quite well in Baghdad for Turkey Day...though he was wishin he was home for my mashed potatoes! haha
We took a few pics today. I posted a few pics from last Thanksgiving and then the ones from today on my profile. What a HUGE difference! or should I say what a smaller difference! I look a bit worse for wear in my jammies, black circles under my eyes and medusa hair, but, you guys get the picture. haha
Hey Stacy: This Thanksgiving was very different than in years past. My focus was primarily on spending time with family and not on eating!! Ok, I was focused on getting in some carbs
But The dinner was not the most important part for me and I enjoyed my self still. I was not able to eat as much as I thought I could and it did not bother me at all. Glad to hear that you guys had a great time too!!