Monday Morning Weigh In
Well, no matter what you think you still need to look beautiful!! What do you think is stalling your loss? Remember...the loss may slow down a bit further out, but you should still have well over 6-8 months left in your "honeymoon period". That scale will move!! you haven't seen one of these since the early days~

You are too sweet! I needed that fairy dust this week. There are so many uncontrollable issues in my life right now. I'm not really stressing over my weight, but I darn sure would like to lose that last 10 lbs. I feel great, but a goal is a goal and not making it there can easily be construed as failure in my mind.
Honestly, I think the main reason I'm stalling has a lot to do with not wanting to drink another protein shake for the rest of my life...and having similar feelings about my water intake... and many of the foods I've been eating for 10 months straight. What I have added to my diet includes a lot more carbs and less protein. Like everyone else, Lori needed a wake up call today. I'm awake, and I'm admiting I'm not eating as well as I should, so kicking my own butt into gear today should help.

Yep, even though I have loved my Matrix shakes every morning...after 9 months straight I've had just about enough of them! I need to order some new flavors...I'm thinking the orange cream, and the chocolate, of course I still need my cookies and cream! I am having trouble sticking to the 64oz. a day, too. Life seems to get in the way, and before I know it the day is nearly over and I've only had maybe 24 oz...not good
. I could always use more protein in the diet, as well. I truly need to start pumping some iron here soon, so that protein is going to be a necessity. Good luck on that personal butt-kicking session....we all need one some time or another

Ok, two things to help you out:
Here is a Protien Drink from one of my Angelettes and a member of my local support group:
2/3 cup Hood's Calorie countdown Chocolate milk (walmart)
1/3 cup Skim milk (or 2%)
1 scoop chocolate protein powder (GNC maximum protein)
Mix until blended and put in freezer for 2 hours.
Tastes like a thick creamy chocolate shake!!! It had 30 gm of protein per cup and she says she drinks one every morning. You can also add 2-3 frozen strawberries to it and whizz it in the magic bullet, YUMMY!!!
I hope you have a wonderful week and get closer to your goal, just let that stress go girl, you can't control it, so surely don't let it control you.