it's flu time!!!
The triplets got sent home from preschool today along with several other kids after throwing up and some diarrhea. It is going through our town so much it was on the news. I was just wondering- anyone had the flu yet? Can we throw up? Should I just expect the diarrhea end of things?
Just wondering what to expect...
Not sure if the FLU has made it here yet or not. My husband, who rarely ever gets sick has been sick since Tuesday. Of course he is fighting it and still going to work like a dud. I told him that when he has fever it's not good for others. I also have one of my employees who has been sick with what he thinks is the FLU since Tuesday night. He came to work on Wednesday but had to leave early and stayed home today. I am glad, because with my autoimmune disease, I am very susceptible to any infections if I am around people, so I have to be extra cautious. It becomes a recurring cycle of illness.
Sorry to hear all three are not well. I sure hope you don't come down with it....Man, that would really not be good. Let's hope it's just a 24 hour stomach virus or something that is not that serious. I don't recall the diarrhea with the flu, and I have had the flu a lot. One year I had it 3 times. No fun!!!
Well I will be praying for ya.
Holly that is tough...I cannot even imagine triplets let alone sick ones. Keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I have had this cold and chest thing that is going on the 3rd week and second round of antibiotics.
Lindy I definitely know what you mean. I have RA and they put me on a medication that drastically lowers my immunity so I catch things easily and keep them for months, like you said it becomes a cycle of illness. I really have to be careful when it gets into my lungs which this has. Yuck really wanted to get some things done this weekend but not sure if it will get done today...feeling pretty crappy.
I have wondered about it as well. I don't think it is physically possible for me to throw up anymore. I have suspected this since the beginning and have yet to be proved wrong. I think I had the stomach flu a month ago, and had horrible stomach problems. Although I wanted desperately to throw up, I did not and it just had to work its way, horribly, through my system. I hope if you get it, it is quick and less painful!
YES THE FLU BUG is here...
I work at the hospital and SO MANY people are coming in dehydrated.
My husband has actually been throwing up since 2pm this afternoon, Complains of severe dizziness and its starting to come out the other end... he is white as a ghost.
I pray I dont get it. Us RNY patients have a much greater chance of dehydration than others. So drink your fluids!!!
Also... YES we can throw up after RNY...It hurts but we can!
Everyone take care!!