Is anyone else still losing their stinkin hair???? Please tell me I am not the Lone Ranger here!!!!!
I have my hair up in a clippy today because it looks just awful down....
These little baby hairs don't count either. They make it look even worse. They are growing in all the wrong spots and stick straight up. Many of which have returned grey instead of brown and that's NO BUENO!!!!

awwwww Lori that stinks. No, I'm really not losing hair anymore, it stopped maybe about a month ago. Those little hairs coming in around the hairline and my part on top are driving me nuts though. AND OMG what is up with the grey? UGH!!!!!
It should stop soon. Hang in there and I bet you are the only one that notices it!
Well I'm a lone ranger with you!! I still shed, But actually I always have... I have thick hair.. BUT I have noticed my hair grows alot faster now... I use to lose my hair in clumps, now its more like a shedding. As long as my hair is still growing I don't mind. Worrying will make it worse... so look in the mirror cause your beautiful and its a small price to pay for being healthy!!

Oh, yeah, still shedding and getting thinner by the day... just holding my breath at this point.
If it doesn't stop soon I forsee baldness *gasp*! Yeah, joking but serious at same time lol.
My hair is long (one day I will post a pic hehe) but so thin now I am considering a serious chopping. My husband is still trying to persuade me not to do it. :P
I started taking straight up biotin and zinc, hoping that will help, and focusing on 100g protein a day... still a bit short there ... sigh.
Good luck hon, and you are definitely NOT alone on this one.
on 10/21/07 9:22 pm - Ireland
on 10/21/07 9:22 pm - Ireland
Not sure if it is available in the US but I have been using Nourkin for the last month & my hair has finally stopped falling out, well worth the cost!
Revision on 01/21/13
I keep losing hair, too. Those little baby hairs, trying me nuts also. Hopefully it'll pass soon.