I feel like a 80 year old man....
Yup that is right, I have an ulcer. I was getting massive stomach pain about a month ago and noticed it was only when my tummy seemed empty. So I got worried that I might try to ease the pain with food. YIKES
So my DR sent me to get an gastroendoscopy (something like that) It was a horrific experience. Kinda like tourture without the dripping water.
So sure enough I have an ulcer, and apparently it is common to get them after surgery. So I am on medication to heal it.
But I tell ya. I am loving being THIN, but the fact that I am still losing my hair and have an ulcer, makes me feel like an old man. Guess I should start wearing my pants about 5 more inches north and in weird checkered patterns.
95 LBS gone forever!!!!!

Thanks for the sympathy. I think I needed it.
Not sure what caused the ulcer, but I think it is something that can happen after surgery because the skin in the stomach wall is more raw (since it was sliced into).
The meds I am on, help a lot. I have no idea how long it will take to heal, but I am hoping soon. Cuz, I hate when the meds wear off. OHHHHH BOYYY
Well, at least I know what to be for Halloween. Just need the pants, white patent leather shoes with a front man buckle, and a pocket of change that I can jingle to get attention. Not to mention saying things like "In my day...." and " When I was a lad we could buy a loaf of bread, see a picture show, and get a malt all with a nickle".