Conversation about your GOAL?

on 10/6/07 10:11 pm - IN
I find that the closer I am to my goal weight, the more it seems to change. How has your feeling about your original goal changed as you have made your way through this journey? My original personal goal was 165-175, because that was where I was when I considered mysefl thin. I am tall, with a large frame, and that put me around size 10/12 and I liked how I looked. Well, now I am only 12 pounds from the high end of that, and let me tell you , NOTHING looks like it used to 10 years ago! lol! My surgeon's goal was, I think, around 155 (which is in the middle of my suggested range, with 164 being the high end.) Now I am thinking that even this seems TOO high and maybe I should shoot for the 140's... So, I guess I am wondering, those of you at goal, or very close, how have your original thoughts about your goal changed for you, or has it?
on 10/7/07 12:00 am - IA
Im right there with you... Somedays I think Im happy where Im at.. then I see on tv that size 12 is considered obese... and I think oh... I need to lose more! My doctors goal was 160lbs for me.. Mine was 145lbs and size 10.... I just told someone the other day that my new goal was 140lbs and size 8... I try not to stress about it. Also I had a eating disorder when I was in highschool, in and out of hospitals...was weighing around 95-110lbs and a size 0-5.... Dont want to go back there. I just want to be healthy!! Also feel good about myself... saggy skin doesnt play a part in that . LOL Its all about accepting yourself and being happy with yourself. I'm still trying to find that. Have a good day! Stacey
on 10/7/07 1:02 am - Elk Grove, CA
My "official goal" hasn't changed, but as I am only 5 pounds form that number, I am really comtemplating whether it is low enough to really be out of the obesity woods. My weightloss chart says that I should weigh in at 142 at the highest and 131 for the recommended medical goal. 131 is way too low for my frame...I have Never weighed that even at a size 3. I was always around 145 or so. But, as is true for most of us, things don't look or hang the same as they used to. So...that leaves me wondering where I really should aim for. My goal with my surgeon of 150 sounded great when it was set...but doesn't seem like the right number now. mind still doesn't see things how they really are. Maybe I am thinner than I "see" and maybe I am closer to where I really should be than I think. My body image is a mess...and I know it skews the way I see myself. I really feel that if I had a tummy tuck tomorrow...I wouln't feel the need to lose another pound. ~Suz
on 10/7/07 3:12 am - IN
Stacey- You have such a great attitude about it. I had some issues with bulimia in high school and college. So, I definitely have concerns about going too far. Suzzanne- I have my plastic surgery consult at the end of November. Like you, I wonder that if I will ever be happy with a goal while I still have my panice. My weight and my self-image are never going to find a meeting-ground with all the saggy skin. Of course, I plan to be in my medical goal weight range before I do any surgery, but I do want to start getting my ducks in a row. I really think that if I had my "girls" lifted back to somewhere near where God originally put them, and my tummy tuck, I would be pretty happy with 165. Right now though, 20 pounds doesn't seem anywhere near enough left to lose!
on 10/7/07 7:27 am - IA
I had a friend that had this surgery. Then paid about $30,000 for plastics.. She had her arms, legs, boobs, butt lift and a pannic, plus her chin done... She is the most miserable person around, with just about no friends and her husband left her. She is alone now with a perfect model body and still unhappy and alone. You have to find a happy place, dont count on anyone or anything else making you happy. Find peace within yourself... Its hard I work on it everyday. I work in the medical field and see alot of "life is to short" stuff. That sometimes keeps me focused. I think to myself... So and so... just lost a loved one and Im focusing on saggy grandma skin... Sounds trivial? Don't be so hard on yourself... Your beautiful and you took control of YOUR life by making a hard choice to have this surgery and make a life change. Be PROUD of yourself!! I thank God everyday, he allowed me to get this tool and get me healthy. Struggling with a eating disorder earlier on makes me realize I wasnt happy super skinny, nor was I happy super fat... So now Im not either, so I need to find a happy place... LOL Sorry I feel like Im sounding like Dr. Phil.... I just want everyone to be happy!!!
on 10/7/07 7:30 am - IA
After reading my post.. Please dont take it wrong... I didnt mean it to sound like if you have plastics you wont be happy... I just meant being happy with yourself is somewhat a choice... Am I making any sense? without making someone mad? Not my intentions what so ever... Just want everyone to be happy!!
on 10/7/07 11:08 am - Zeeland, MI
YESSSSSS! My goal has changed. Just like you, years ago at 135 I looked good I thought. Well, when I hit 135 this time, nope, things has shifted and I still had more to lose. I am 126 now and want to get to 120. No exercise or diet is going to get rid of the tummy!!! I keep thinking if I lose just a little more weight the tummy will shrink. lol! I know what you mean though!
on 10/7/07 12:12 pm - IN
Janie- 120?! Wowser! You look AWESOME right now. I cannot wait to see your pics when you hit 120! Stacey- I don't take what you said negatively at all. I do understand your point! I am a VERY happy person and am incredibly blessed. I actually like the way I look in clothes and have a lot of self-confidence, which I have always had regardless of my weight. I definitely want the PS, not too extreme, just the two common areas, but I have wanted those done for YEARS, way before GBS! My main goal is to be HEALTHY, because I already have the happy down pat, it is just that I don't know where I want my stopping point to be and I am a little concerned that I keep lowering it. I really appreciate your responses! I agree with you that I am soooooo thankful for this opportuntiy! Belle
Stephanie B.
on 10/7/07 9:02 pm - Chattanooga, TN
Hi Belle: I am not anywhere close to my goal but the goal my sugeon set for me is still my first when he set it I thought he was nuts and I actually still do lol He said he that my ideal body wieght was 140 pounds...don't think I have weighed that little since middle school (maybe even elementary school). My surgeon is a very good surgeon but he does not have the best bedside manner and my impression has always been that he does not believe that I can loose down to 140 so I am so determined to get there. And I was playing around with the bmi charts and it actually says I can have a "normal bmi" at 153 so if anything my goal weight would increase instead of going down more. lol And I tell you you are so correct in that nothing looks like it looked 10 years ago...I don't have a butt! and my daughter and my ex love to remind me of that...they both think it is so funny. Of course they are the only ones laughing and I am throwing things at them lol ...any who...I am going to need me some underwear to lift my boobs and my breast! I always said I would have plastic surgery to lift the boobs but not my butt and thighs...ppl seem to have so many complications with the thigh and butt but the more I look at my non existent butt and sagging wrinkley thighs, the better the surgery sounds!! lol
on 10/8/07 1:19 pm
My goal was getting lower and lower too... but I was fighting for it- so am not worried about losing too much. When I look in the mirror I see a size 12- but I'm buying size 6's and 8's. I tell myself the sizes have changed over the years- but I'm not really sure what's going on. Right now I am just so happy to be in the 130's- but occasionally I think- wow- what would the 120's be like? Glad you posted this- Holly
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