Monday's Good Eats!
Hi Suzanne! I know I am not a January baby, so hope you find me welcome here. I am from the December board but we also do a daily eats post on our board so I like to lurk here too, hope you don't mind! Anyway.. I have a recipe for pumpkin pies (more cakey than a pie but you still eat them cold like pie) that are absolutely delicious. It is PK's recipe from the RNY board. I wanted to share it. Here it is!
Pumpkin Protein Muffin Pies
22 Fl oz can pure pumpkin
6 scoops vanilla protein powder (mine has 110 cals, 21 protein per scoop)
12 oz can evaporated skim milk
6 large eggs or egg substitute equivilent
3/4 cup sugar twin brown sugar substitute
1 tbsp cinnamon
1/2 tsp ginger
1/4 tsp ground cloves
1/4 tsp nutmeg
Preheat oven to 400. Mix sugar and spices in a small bowl, set aside. Lightly whip 6 eggs in a large bowl, add in pumpkin and mix thoroughly before sprinkling in sugar mix. Blend protein powder and milk in a separate bowl with a hand mixer, then add to the pumpkin bowl mixing well before filling 18 lightly greased muffin tins. Bake at 350 for 10 minutes, reduce heat to 300 and cook for 40 - 50 minutes (I have a gas stove and took it out after 30 mins). Pies are cooked when a knife is inserted into the middle and comes out clean. Top with light whipping cream if you wish.
Makes 18 servings. Using egg substitute in place of eggs the nutritional stats are as follows:
Cals, 84, fats, 3, carbs, 6, protein 12. Enjoy!
You can use light whipping cream or a mixture of splenda/vanilla/ff cream cheese to top or splenda/maple extract/ff cream cheese. I can eat two of them and it is a meal for me. Enjoy!
Silly girl....Decemeber is right next to, of course you are more than welcome anytime. Don't be a lurker!! I love your new "name"...cracked me up the first time I saw it.
As for the recipe...that is so kind of you to pop over to pass it along. Funny part is, you posted it a few days ago on the RNY or main board (can't remember which) and I copied it to my "Protein Foods" file on my computer. It sounds yummy! I have a recipe that I came across for Pumpkin Spice Bars...they have a graham cracker or ginger snap crust. Anyway, I am trying to concoct a WLS friendly version. As soon I get it right I'll be sure to pass it along (if it's any good at all, that is...never made them before).
And again....DON'T BE A LURKER!! We love new victims...oopsies....I mean members to the January Board!

Hey Suz, well I figured since you come to the RNY board that you might have gotten it from us. As for the Pumpkin Spice Bars I would love to have that recipe once you get it in WLS format! How yum, I cannot get enough pumpkin these days and it is good for us too, can't beat that! You guys inspire me over here.. I love you positive attitudes! Keep up the good work!
It's just me again...DUH!
I just realized that I had asked Lea if she had purchased the muffins or were they homemade so that protein could be added. I had the recipe from you and PK the entire time!!! I just forgot about it! Guess I need to maybe print them out so that I can organize what I actually have.

Hey Suz...that sweet potato sounds yummers!! Share the recipe!! I may try it for Thanksgiving.
Here is what I had yesterday
B- protein smoothie
L- taco salad (did not eat the shell) it had ground beef, refried beans, cheese, tomatoes and gaucamoole Sp? and I think that is it...I ate half of it and boy was it good!!
D- Collard greens and more left over beef stew meat
2 gumballs and 3 pieces of sugar free gum
Fitday Info
Calories 946
Fat 50
Carb 50
Protein 76
Lol...suz I have always had a thing for gum...since probably before I could talk well enough to ask for it!! lol I could just chew chew chew and that is what I do. Lately though I think it has become a bad habit and I chew way too much of it.....I try to stick to sugar free but every now and then I get a hold of the sugar filled kind and watch out there...I am so happy!! lol I got the stew receipe and thank you so much for posting it! I will let you know when I cook it and let you know how it turns out.