Saturday's Good Eats!
MorningStar Farms makes them and they are little nuggets of a variety of veggies and cheeses; they are soy based. Broccoli Cheddar is my fav...but they are all great. The entire family loves all of the products made by this company. The "buffalo wings" are wonderful! So is the "sausage" one ever knows that it's not real sausage until I tell them. They all soy based, but you would never know the difference from "real" in most of the foods they offer.
I find them in the "health foods" frozen section of the grocery. In my stores here in CA, often they will double stock them in the "regular" foods frozen section, as well. Try looking by the veggie burgers and soy products.
And, just so you all know...I am not some "California vegan nutcase"
...I love my real meat, too!!!! These darn things are just SOOO good!!! I need to get payed by them for the constant pimping of their stuff!

Yesterday was wierd. Everything I ate went down like a rock. Ya know how when a snake eats a rat ya see it going all the way down?? Thats how I felt!! LOL
2 bites of a chick-fil-a sandwich (on wheat bun)
1/2 of the rest of the chick-fil-a
1/2 kashi protein bar
balogna and cheese on wheat bread
I ate the whole sandwich! :
protein smoothie