Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Good morning, January Lovelies!! It was a great week. Went from a size 10 to an 8 early in the week. Then, yesterday to a size 6??? WTH?? Don't get me wrong...I.Am.Stoked. Just confused is all. I even took a pic of the tags on the jeans because I am so shocked (gotta remember this day!).
Damon is in South Lake Tahoe this week to fill in for someone at another Local, and then he has a seminar to attend there. I was supposed to join him on Wednesday, but I have 2 tests in A&P on Wed. night and three kids in differing schedules at no Tahoe for me this time, again
Here are my numbers while I pout:
Surgery/high: 251.5
Last Monday: 161.6
Today: 159.6 (Huh?? Didn't see that coming when I stepped on the scale.)
Loss this week: 2.0 ~ YIPPY!
Total loss: 91.9
BMI: 25.7
To goal: 9.6
I'm with Janie....TUMMY TUCK....NOW!!!!!!

I haven't done this in a while!
Last week 196
This week 193
Total since surgery -106, since highest -134
Wow... just typing that is an interesting feeling. I cannot believe that I used to weigh 327 pounds. That seems like a lifetime ago, yet I know it was really just LAST YEAR.
Another wow... my husband informed me that I getting "bone-y" and suggested that I am getting "thin enough". I was like "HELLO! I still have almost 30 pounds to go and then hopefully another 10 pounds after that from my PS! You better get used to boney!"
Made my day!

Long time, no see, Isabella! You're doing great!! Wowee...134 pounds is a staggering amount to lose in a relatively short time.
My husband started saying that I was getting boney at about has only gotten worse since then! My butt is non-exhistant...he hates it when I sit on his lap and grind my butt-bones into his thigh! I know...I'm mean.
I think he secretly likes it, though.