Monday Morning Weigh Ins
Hi Janie,
Wow... Almost to 120's. You are doing great. I know what you mean with the tummy.
I haven't even tried sit ups. My tummy is still sore to the touch. The Dr. says it's my nerve endings. I tend to be a worrier.. so I will call him in another month. After watching Big Medicine I don't know if I could ever do plastic surgery. Although I never thought I would do this surgery either. I do need something in the boobs though. They feel like balloons that have sat around for 2 weeks and shriveled up.
Oh well I am happy not to be sick anymore.
I hope you make 120's soon. If not this week it will come. Hooray !!!!
Hugs! Roxanne

Look at everyone's numbers!!!! WOW!!!
I have 1 more pound to reach the century club and 3 more to hit 139. Just to be in the 130's would thrill me and like Janie- I wouldn't care if I lost another pound. I've got 2 weeks til I turn 40. We'll see...
My back is troubling me again- so am not exercising yet... so we'll see how it goes-
Have a great week!!!
Hey Holly...are you back problems old or something that started after you had surgery? I have been having so lower back pain the last few weeks and I don't know whats going on. I was not able to work out for one whole week and last week I only did three days and it started to feel sore again...I was only using the treadmill and bike so I am not sure how I could strain my back that way....Anywho...any information you could share would be helpful. Thanks
I had the lower back pain something awful a time ago...I think it has something to do with the weight loss throwing off the balance of our had adjusted itself to all the weight and then after losing a large amount so fast it has to re-adjust. I also think it was/is the hanging of the lower stomach pulling on the lower back.
This thought crossed my mind the other day...I was basically 150 lbs overwieght...that's like carrying around (3) 50# bags of dog food...all the time!!! Heck, I can't hardly carry one of those bags at a time!! No wonder our poor backs and knees were screaming out for help!