Hair Loss
Hi Everyone...I have been away for a while! Hi Susan in Benton! I am 6 months out from my surgery and am experiencing some hair loss!!!! I don't have much to lose! Are there any suggestions out there? I had cut back on my protein shakes...maybe I should restart that. Also, do you know how long it takes for it to start growing back and STOP falling out? Help please. Didi
I won't be much help on this issue. Mine started falling out at 4 months (I didn't have much either) and it still has not stopped coming out. The hair loss is related to your protein intake, but my understanding is that the loss begins several months after the protein deficiency, so I'm not sure how quickly it will stop if you up your protein now. Can't offer any suggestion on how long it takes to come back either because I'm still losing by the buckets full.

Hey Diane...
I don't have much "good" news except to say that it will stop when you are done shedding the hair that has ended it's growth cycle. From what I have learned, a fair amount of our hair enters a dormant period at surgery...these hairs never start growing again. So, they need to shed...leading to an amount of hair loss that is more than usual. But, the good news is that as soon as your hairs have been shed from your scalp, new ones are already in the growth phase = new hair!!
Keeping up with your protein levels will help the hair that wants to come in, and insure that you don't lose more that necessary (not to mention keeping you healthy otherwise)...that wouldn't be a good thing
! And, as for the timeline on falling out/growing in...that's somewhat individual...but my hair started falling out promptly at 3 months...stopped promptly at 6 months (almost to the day)...and new hair started growing in just as the the hair loss was tapering off. I can feel the new growth filling in already and I am not quite 7 months out.
Hope this helps to relieve some of the anxiety over the hair loss!

Hello Diane,
Well join the rest of us. I received a paper from my surgeon on hair loss. It says that most patients will start to loose there hair starting at 3 months and should continue to loose it for the next 3 months. My hair loss started at 5 months so I guess I have a month to go. I always had thick hair and now it is so thin you can see my scalp. I was told about a product called Nioxin it is a line of shampoo, Conditioner and styling products. So I bought a starter kit and WOW what a difference. My hair still falls out but not in clumps it is gradual. the product also helps condition the scalp and although my hair is thin it appears to be fuller using this product. I highly recommend it. It can be costly but I feel it is worth it. I found it on E-bay at huge discounts. It kind of smells like medicine so I call it my hair medicine. if you have any questions let me know I have done allot of research on this product.