Excess weight loss
How do you figure out the percentage of excess weight you have lost? I'd like to figure out mine from my highest weight of 303 to my current weight of 184.
My consult weight was: 303
My surgery weight was: 272
My goal weight (per my surgeon) is: 131 (not my personal goal)
My height is: 5 ft 3 inches
My current weight is: 184
My age is: 47
I'm almost 7 months post op.
My second question is how do you figure out what your goal weight should be? I think my surgeon said 131 for me which I feel is very low and I never asked how he came up with that weight. My personal goal is between 150-160. Is that too high of a goal to set because I just don't believe I will ever be 131?
Debbie G
Orangeville, ON
If you're using the goal weight of 131, you subtract that from your highest weight of 303, and get 172 excess weight. Subtract your current weight of 184 from your highest weight of 303, and you get 119 lost. Divide 119 lost by 172 excess weight, and you get .6918 which is 69%. Wow, you've lost 69% of your excess weight! You're doing great! Congratulations!

Hi Debbie...
To figure out your percentage of excess weight lost you divide the amount of weight lost by the total amount of excess weight to lose. So...
272-184= 88 pounds lost
141 pounds total to lose (excess weight to reach 131 goal from surgery 272)
88/141= .62411 = 62.4% excess weight lost so far
You can change the % by changing your goal weight:
122 pounds total to lose (excess weight to reach 150 goal from surgery 272)
88/122= .72131 = 72.1%
As for your "goal weight", I think some of that will be based on your body type, frame, age, muscle mass, etc...among other factors. You can also base your goal on BMI, which will put you at differing "ideal" weights depending on your chosed BMI goal.
Try the following site:
For your info, it gave me different "ideal" weights of between 107-144 pounds. Check it out and see what fits you best.
Wow that is so awesome and what a great question!! I checked mine out and I have lost 72.8% of my total fat going by what OH says my goal weight should be....130 I am 5'2" and my doctor says to go to 145 and see how I feel. You definitely don't want to lose so much that you feel sick all the time or look like your all bones.
According to Suz's calculations it should look like this for you:
238-137= 101 total lost
101/112=.91 which means you've lost 91% of your goal weight
For me it's
242-165=77 lost
77/104=.74 Which is a total loss of 74%. Woo hoo!!!
I like this! This is fun. Not many chances to play with mathmatical equations these days. I can't even help my son with his school work anymore...the ol' brain has forgotten all the hard stuff. Kept it long enough to pass the tests in school and then poof it was gone. Oh well, such is life

I am using the lynns way....Suz's is the same but one used surgery weight and the other used highest weight....
I see that your total excess body weight was 112 (238highest weight-126 goal weight)
And you have lost 101 (highest weight -current weight)
And the percentage you have lost would be 101/112 (amount lost / amout to loss) as being are you ready for this.......90.2%!!! I did my own this way and it matched what my surgeon had at my sixth month check up pretty closely so....I say this is where you are.
If you look at your surgery weight instead of hw the % will go down a point or two but not by much. WAY TO GO!!