7 month post op and i have stalled
Hey guy's yesterday i started a full liquid diet to job start my weight again as anyone done this? will it work? does anyone have any other suggestions? at the present moment i had to put exercise on hold for a medical reason so until i get cleared is there things that will get the scale to moving with the absence of my exercise. Thanks, Kellie
Im right there with ya! I think maybe it just starts slowing down about now. In the past month Ive only lost 6lbs! Im starting to frea****ep telling myself it'll pass. I wish I had the willpower you have to do all liguids, but I just cant. Ive never liked the protein shakes, and have to make myself drink just to get in all my water. I do however get hungry. More now than newly post-op. I'll send positive vibes your way!! I know its frustrating.
Hey kellie..
I am expieriencing the same stall as you, I have been bouncing around between 165 and 163 for a month and the month before that I only lost 4 pounds .. so I have been in the 160's for 2 months now. I have lost a total of 101 since surgery but I am getting scared that this is it ... keep us posted on the liquid diet and how it works out for you .. Good luck!
Hey Kelli: I have actually gone back to liquids twice and had great results. I actually use yogurt smoothies (dannon light and fit carb and sugar control) and mix a scoop of protein powder in it and that is all I have all day for breakfast lunch and dinner. The first time I was trying to loose 3 lbs before I had my six month check up and I did it for 4 days and lost 9.2 pounds. I did gain 3 back and netted a six pound loss. I just finshed it again last week and me another January board member did 3 days and I have lost about 6 more pounds. I think just increasing your protein really helps to jump start your weight loss.
I also think that the closer we get to our bodies ideal weight...the loss is going to slow down too. Keep us posted on how things work out for you and let me know if you have any questions.

Hey ladies, thank you so much for your advice and much needed support..So far I have lost 1.5lbs so I think that I will keep up with the liquid diet for a few more days... Stephanie thanks for the tip on the smoothies.... I love those!!1 and so in between your smoothies were you just drinking water? Ladies, thank you again and I wish all of you the very best!!! Kellie
When I stalled for like 3 weeks... doctor told me I wasnt eating enough OR eating OFTEN enough. Now I eat 3 meals and 3 snacks a day to keep my metabolism going and IT WORKS!!! Have NOT stalled since!!
Always think PROTEIN! Going on a liquid diet in my eyes will only lose liquid.
Good luck to ya!
Harvest crunch soy nuts.. They are a awesome salty snack... its soy nuts, sunflower seads, corn nuts and wheat... awesome protein source. You can get them at www.soynuts.com Mind you I hate plain oh soy nuts.
String cheese
peanut butter and apples
Power crunch protein bars 15gm of protein in one
hard boiled eggs/deviled eggs
beef jerky
lunchable snack... i can eat 1/2 of a small one
baked chips and salsa. (no protein, but satisfies the cravings)
Hope this give you some different ideas..