very close to 7 months out and weighing in at 150
OK I tried to post once and apparently it didn't "take".
I was reminded by Lindy, that I have not posted on here in a good while. Thank you for the reminder Lindy; I needed it for sure.
I have been home recovering from yet a 3rd surgery this year, completely UNRELATED to my Gastric Bypass surgery in Januray. Very large ovarian tumor mass that ended up being the size of a basketball, and by the grace of God, was benign even though doc was quite concerned about it being malignant. 1 week after surgery I dropped 7 pounds so you can see just how heavy these things are...WOW. Heck of a way to lose weight too.....I don't recommend it LOL.
I am down 70 lbs with 10 lbs to reach my personal goal of 140 lbs. Doc's goal was 160 but I realize that was too generous for my height. I can see these last 10 lbs will be harder to shed but that's OK. I'm feeling great and well on my way to a much healthier life.
Hope all is well with you beautiful people.
Here is the link to the post Stephanie put up about the smoothies.
I use the Dannon Light & Fit or the Yoplait Light (has more sugar and a little bit more calories, but not enough to matter). Both have 6 grams of protein. I add 1 scoop of Isopure vanilla (25 g protein, you can add two if you want more protein). Then I add about 1/4 cup of ice, 4-5 small frozen strawberries, 1/2 of small banana (or less), 2 tablespoons of the whip cream in a can (virtually no sugar and about 15 calories)...this makes it creamier. I give it a whirl in the blender till it is blended well. It makes about a 16 oz glass. It fills me up really well.
This is my fourth day. Some days I have only been able to get two shakes in, but I increased the protein. So minimum protein must be at least 70 grams. The more the better because you will not get hungry.
I also drank regular iced tea and had my coffee. One day I had a Starbucks NF, SF, Cinnamon Dolce Latte with 2 Splenda, no whip. That adds 170 calories though.
Best of luck if you decide to try. Stephanie lost 9lbs and another poster who weighs less than me lost 4-5lbs.
If you do this a couple of times, I know you will be at goal by December. Maybe you can vary it up and do it every other day if needed.
I am definitely glad to hear you are feeling much better and good to see you posting..I think of you often and I will continue to pray for 100% recovery from your surgery. I can't remember if I told you my mom had a 9 1/2 lbs malignant tumor removed in 1990. She has been in remission from Cancer since then. Thanks for sharing!!
Let me know how it goes!!!
Hi Lindy,
Thank you so much for the tip. I may try this in the near future after I am released back to work. My surgeon doesn't want me doing anything to try to lose weight right now LOL can you imagine that? LOL Anyway, it won't be long before I can give her a whirl if need be
I'm so happy for your mom. Sounds like they got that cancer under control.....she's past the 5 year recurrance timeframe that exists for most cancers so I hope it does for her type as well. God bless Lindy's mom!!!!
(((Hugs right back to you)))

Hi Janie,
I had not heard of such a thing either and all the while people just kept saying, "Look at how small you are" little did any of us know I had this huge "thing" growing inside of me. It got uncomfortable the last week prior to surgery but by then I already knew what was causing all the pressure pain I was experiencing. My surgeon said the CAT scan didn't capture the full picture of what they removed. He was quite surprised himself. What an experience and one I won't soon forget.
Thanks for your vote of confidence regarding my weight loss. Now maybe I can get down to business and get exercising.....'bout time don'tchthink? LOL
Thanks again Janie.
I actually had severe pain in my stomach and I was put in the hospital and they did a CAT scan to check it out. They found an intestinal blockage that was presumed to be a result of my RNY surgery. The CAT scan also revealed a large growth on an ovary. I had no symptoms at all....that's why ovarian cancer is not usually caught early; it often has no or very little symptoms. I had pain but not until the growth was the size of a basketball. Ovarian cancer is downright freightening. Your mom is so far past her diagnosis and remission I seriously doubt it will come back to her. As I mentioned, 5 years post cancer in remission is usually the key. I was married once before to a man that had cancer and we were exposed to many patients and families in the same boat as we were. That's where I heard of this 5 year timeframe. Your mom is a very fortunate lady to have survived the ovarian cancer. I'm so very happy for her and the rest of her family because of it.
I actually had severe pain in my stomach and I was put in the hospital and they did a CAT scan to check it out. They found an intestinal blockage that was presumed to be a result of my RNY surgery. The CAT scan also revealed a large growth on an ovary. I had no symptoms at all....that's why ovarian cancer is not usually caught early; it often has no or very little symptoms. I had pain but not until the growth was the size of a basketball. Ovarian cancer is downright freightening. Your mom is so far past her diagnosis and remission I seriously doubt it will come back to her. As I mentioned, 5 years post cancer in remission is usually the key. I was married once before to a man that had cancer and we were exposed to many patients and families in the same boat as we were. That's where I heard of this 5 year timeframe. Your mom is a very fortunate lady to have survived the ovarian cancer. I'm so very happy for her and the rest of her family because of it.