Does anyone else want to just be a Smart*** when people make dumb comments?
Here's my story:
I was moving my daughter into college and one of her friends mom (which is a little thing) says to me... You look different and I cant pin point it... (after losing over a 100lbs she cant pinpoint it?) so I didnt say anything... then about a 1/2 hour later she comes up to me and says, "I asked Tyler (her daughter) if you have lost some weight?" , She sais Tyler told her "yes". So she says to me... "ya I can tell you've lost a little in your face"... I looked at her and said "ya only 107lbs". Then I walked away!!
My lord is she for real? This happens more than I like. Does anyone else get this? Or am I the only one that's lost 107lbs in my face???? I would love it if I heard "you've lost 100lbs in your BUTT!" lol
Just curious,
It is not just you!! I read a posting yesterday in another group about the same thing...the lady had lost almost 120 pounds and this person she had not seen since before surgery didnot comment on her weight loss at all...and I looked on her page and told her you know ...the only ppl who should not notice your weight loss would be a blind person...and even Ray Charles knew how to tell a persons size! I think in this case and the one from yesterday, the person is just upset that you are making positive changes in your life and don't want to give you credit for it. I think your response to her was PRICELESS!
Keep up the good work and dont worry about ppl who don't want to see you get healthier and who dont know how to give a compliment to someone cause they are to afraid of you looking better than they do!!

Revision on 01/21/13
I just had this happen to me today!!!! I ran into someone from high school. She spotted me and we chatted a bit. She told me something was different about me. She was like oh you dyed your hair back to your natural color. I never liked her in high school, so I knew it was only a few minutes till something would be flying out of my mouth , haha. I really tried to end the conversation nicely haha but she had to keep going. She then said I look like I lost a little weight in my face, LOL. I was like I have lost 115 lbs. Her jaw dropped and probably the first time in her life she was speechless. She then replied I knew it, I just knew you lost a lot of weight in your face. I *REALLY* trying to be nice and end the conversation lol. Suddenly I smelled pooh. My little daughter was smiling at me in the shopping cart and finally provided me with an oh so valid excuse to end the conversation. My friend then excused herself and away I went to change a diaper. Never had I been so proud of my daughter going poopies at the right time, haha.