6-7 months post op.. What is everyone eating these days?
Cool!! I can do that ...I had only been walking for 20 minutes and recently moved up to 30 minutes..but have not reached 2 miles yet...I usually get about 1.84..so I may try to shoot for 2 miles at lunch today and see how long it takes me to get there. I am not a runner either...but everyone keeps telling me I should run to get my lower half to start to dwindle but I feel like such a dork when I try to run. LOL I will probably fall of the treadmill if I tried to run for 30 minutes.
Thanks for the info!

Thank you for replying!
I wish I had your motivation to exercise that much. I was VERY motivated and had a personal trainer at the beginning, then I slacked off. I'm planning on getting back into it. It was so hard being busy and all. I really think I got burnt out doing it 7 days a week.
But as of yesterday my last child went off to college and its weird being along here with just my husband and I, so I need a hobby and it just might be working out alot!!
I will get involved in the Monday morning stuff. All though I weigh myself EVERYDAY. One of my obsessions.
Welcome Stacey! Hope to see you around more! I had my surgery Jan. 26th.
I eat about the same as you folks. Mostly meats & vegetables, and some fruits. My nutritionist likes me to incorporate a serving or two into my diet each day of fruits. I eat a lot of salads. No carbs on a regular basis, but occasionally I will enduldge (if nothing else sounds good) and I'll have a slice of bread with meat on it.
Things I cannot eat are:
Ketchup, sliced pork, meatloaf, and really dense or dry meats
And I confess...
I did have a sugar binge once. When I say binge, I guess I don't really mean "binge". I mean, "indiscretion". lol I ate 4 servings of cookie dough over the course of 15 minutes while I was making cookies for my husband to take to work. I know BAD BAD BAD. But I wasn't thinking straight. Oddly, it didn't phase me one bit. I thought for sure that I would pay dearly for that, but nothing happened, and that was approximately 48 grams of sugar.
I feel bad now that I confessed that, but its the truth. I do not plan on doing it again.
48gm of sugar? WOW! Did you feel yucky?
Its weird cause I can handle like a slushy drink... which is probably alot of sugars, But I cant handle alot of sugar like in a cake... ice cream does me NO justice either.
U know, My doctor who actually had this surgery says, there is nothing wrong with what you did, remember what you did pre-op is important and doing it on a daily basis is something way different than the way we live our lives today.
I dont deprive myself of anything, just limit portions, that is what is wonderful with this surgery, cause if I forget, my tummy will soon remind me!
I didnt have this surgery to be on a life long diet, but to have a life long change.
Your doing awesome!
Thank you for replying to my post!
You know, I didn't feel yucky at all, which is almost as scary as feeling yucky. I almost wish I had felt bad so that I wouldnt be tempted to do it again! But seriously, I am exercising a lot of restraint now. I'm losing very slowly now, so I can't afford to mess up.
And thanks for your compliments! You, too, are doing very well, and we're glad to have you on the board here. =) Keep posting!
hi stacey, I'm the same way 1/22/07 was my new life day. I can eat just about anything and where eating the same things I just have problems with eating breadsand pasta. I was 275 and now down to 175 so I just made my "100" mark so really excited.Some things tend to feel like there getting stuck but I just put the fork down and sit real still and quiet and let my body go to work , but after a minute I'm all right. We have something in common I'm fitting the same sizes.lol
Welcome! This is a great board and hope to see you around. I am down 99 lbs since highest weight and 86 since surgery. Check in on Monday's we have a weekly weigh in. I am eating pretty much the same as you. Protein first, veggies and fruit. I limit my carbs to fruit and veggies and occasionally a wheat wrap or waffle. I hope to lose about 5-15 more lbs! Not sure what my goal is yet!