Monday Morning Weigh In
Umm...I only weight once a week...
Ok, Ok I am lying...I weigh all day everyday!! I am so addicted. I weigh when I first get up, after I shower, after I work out, when I get home and right before I go to a mininum...I can usually fit a few more weigh in into my schedule during the I am working on getting off that scale though..I may need some intervention....
So your addiction could be as bad as

LOL Stephanie, you crack me up. Wasn't it you just a few weeks ago that said you were only bringing that scale out once a week? hehehehehe! What happened? My NUT keeps telling me to stay off the scale, but I honestly don't think I can do it just once a week. Am I the only one that thinks about my weight as soon as I wake? lol!
When do you find you weigh the lightest? I weigh the least in the morning as soon as I wake up then it's a lb or two heavier as the day goes on. Interesting!!!!
Yes that was me...I was in the 12 step program but fell off the wagon!!
I find it hard to stay off the scale now...even when it is not moving...I have already weighed my self 4 times today or is it 5?
I find that I weigh less as soon as I wake up and I am the heaviest after 9 I use my Sunday night weight for our Monday weigh ins....I want to be on the same page as my surgeon and I usually go see him in the afternoons. Mine fluctuate as much as 4 lbs!! It is interesting....I guess in the mornings we are complete depleted....but once we take in food and fluids....those oz add on to our weight.

Hey Jen: Good way to look at day and a new slate! I think posting or weekly weight is a wonderful way for us to stay encouraged. Imagine if we did not post this each week and you and I had a 3 pound gain....I don't know about you but I would be freakin out thinking something was terribly wrong and about to jump off a bridge...but we do have this forum and I see that I am not alone and I know that when ppl have had gains in the past...the next week was usually a big loss. So let's look forward to our weigh ins next week and thank you so much for posting this week when you had a gain!!