Medical Alert bracelets?

on 8/5/07 9:50 pm
Do any of you have medical alert bracelets? I've never ordered one, but have seen that some feel this is really important for WLS patients. If you have one, what does it say? Where did you order it from? I ask because I had a potential car accident yesterday....was able to avoid the collision, but it could have been near-fatal if I hadn't (think swerving out of control through all lanes of traffic, including the oncoming - ended up plopped in the middle of the midian. The fact that I missed being hit by the rapidly moving traffic is quite literally a miracle.). Thanks! Margaret
Stephanie B.
on 8/5/07 10:00 pm - Chattanooga, TN
WOW! I am so happy to hear that you were able to safely get out of that situation! Thank God! I don't have a medical alert bracelet but I did ask my surgeon about it right before surgery and he said I did not need one. I forgot the reasons why..but what ever he said made sense at the time. Sorry I was not more helpful.
J M.
on 8/6/07 12:32 am - NJ
Hi Margaret - Sorry to hear about your near miss..... that is so scarry and certainly makes you think about things. I was just at my surgeon on friday and asked about a bracelet and he said it was unnecessary, unless you have other medical conditions that would warrant it. I had thought about getting one as well, but now since he said that I didn't need one, I don't think I will be getting one. Glad you did to hear your ok - Marta
on 8/6/07 12:48 am - Rochester, NH
Hi Margaret, QQcategoryZ92714QQssPageNameZWDVWQQrdZ1QQcmdZViewItem Here is the link to where I purchased my Medic Alert Bracelet. I hope you can get it okay. I am soooo bad on computers. It is like $15.00 and that includes shipping and engraving. It is stainless steel and I wear it all the time. Shower and all. I did have to remove a few links. It says on the back......Gastric Bypass No NG Tube Without Scope. It is not a beautiful thing to wear but I have now forgotten it is even on. My good friend had the surgery also and bought a real pretty one with beads and hers has a charm hanging off it. Her Dr. told her that if he was to see her at an accident that he would never think that she had on a Medic Alert Bracelet. It is to pretty and would have never taken a second look. So I went for the normal looking one. My Surgeon told me I needed to have a bracelet because if I was in an accident and they put a scope down my throat they could cause a lot of damage. So I went by what he said. I am glad that you are safe. Like you said it could have been bad. In my opion I will always wear a bracelet. I don't want to take any chances. Have a nice Safe Week.. Hugs.. Roxanne
Danielle H.
on 8/7/07 1:01 am - Highlands Ranch, CO
Margaret, I have a medical alert bracelet that was made by a facilitator of a local support group. She has also put together a bariartic cookbook that I have purchased. She guarantees her product and it will depend on which surgery you had to what is on the bracelet. They do not look like normal medical bracelets which is nice. Here is her e-mail address: [email protected]. I think that she has additional information on her gourmet food website so I can try and find that for you if you are interested.
Alice Urrutia
on 8/8/07 1:46 pm - Fresno, CA
Hello Margaret, I have a necklace it is about the size of a dime and it hangs on a silver chain It is 30" long and hides well under my blouse it has the medic alert symbol on the front and on the back it says: Gastric bypass no NG tube w/o Scope no NSAIDS My Doctor said if w are ever in a position where we cannot breath they would want to intubate us and they need to do it with a camera as to not puncture our new pouch or any of the new plumbing. I were mine everyday. I purchased it on EBAY. I hope this helps, Warmly, Alice
on 8/20/07 8:11 pm - Houston, TX
Margaret, I know by now you may or may not gotten you id braclet. I have one and wear it everyday. My reasons: I am a single mom, and the tube down the throat concerns me. I ever I am in an accident I want EMT's to know I have a small pounch. My bracelett says GastricBypass and my name. I put my name in case I am unable to say or do not have id. Again it is about safety.
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