6 Month Appointment........
Recently I have been feeling down and thinking that I was not losing enough weight especially since I have been working out with a trainer several days a week. So, yesterday when I went in for my 6 mo post op appointment I was a little bit nervous and prepared myself for the worst.
However, when I stepped on the scale the staff was very happy. I am currently at 204 lbs. I have lost 85 lbs since my surgery date. I know that seems like a large number but when I look in the mirror I do not see it. The part that hit home was he said that I have currently lost 70% of my excess body weight. That put things in a new perspective. I have exceeded the percentage at 6 months that we anticipated I would be at around 10 months. That made me feel wonderful. He said I was doing things right and he was proud of me. I left his office feeling much better than when I walked in.
The other good news is that my trainer was looking at my body and is very confident that I am not going to have very many skin issues. There is very little skin hanging on my arms, neck or chest area. Most of his is around my waist and thighs and I am doing a decent job of hiding those areas.
My birthday is 3 weeks from tomorrow so I have set a birthday goal for myself. I want to be less than 200 lbs by the time I turn 30 so with the information I received yesterday I only have 5 lbs to lose to officially be in onderland. I never thought that would be possible!! That finally gave me the courage to post some new photos from last weekend!!!

Hi Danielle, Congrats & Best Wishes on your loss & continual loss. My 25th birthday is on August 14th, and it too is my goal to be under 200 by then, that'd be so awesome. I have lost 104lbs so far, down from 312-208. My 6 month appointment went better than I expected as well, that's great that your working with a personal trainer, I wish I could get motivated to exercise more, I've been working swing shift, with that, my divorce & the kids going back to school soon I'm pooped.