Or should I say cramppy.I am do anyday now for my menses I wi**** just come already.I have been having frequent runs to the bathroom,stomach pain headache and back pain.I have not had one in two months (on bc and skipped procebo).So I dont know if thats why its worst.I normally have the back pain and the bathroom runs but this is worst.I dont even want to eat and my husband dont like that idea at all.I cant get any work done because I am bent over in my chair.I just took two tylenol and hope it kicks in fast.Why do us ladies have to go through so much?why was the apple in the garden?Why was adam and eve so hard headed?Why oh why?

Nothing we have to take on mentruals,childbirth and thats the start.Who baby cries for when they are sick or scared.My two year old her father could be right there and she wants me to give her some milk or juice.I can be relaxing reading a book and her father says what you need and she say s mama come on just so i can get her something to drink.Housework it aint right unless we do it anyway