I am so overeating . .

M B.
on 7/19/07 12:42 pm - Warrensburg, MO
Not at one time of course, but those old habits of bites here and there are returning. I'm not even hungry, but all kinds of food sounds good to me. I am just not paying attention to my body's signals. I am eating because food is there and it sounds good. I am having a very stressful month at work and I guess I'll blame that. It seems like when I can't control much else that my food intake gets out of control too. Every morning I promise myself - cut back on the coffee, nothing sweet, no snacks, drink more water - but I just can't make it through the day with out failure in some area - help! I know exercise is helpful but after my day I'm just too tired. I was walking in the morning, but now I'm going into work early. How do you deal with stress now that you don't have food to indulge in?
Stephanie B.
on 7/19/07 11:21 pm - Chattanooga, TN
I think I sleep my stress away. We I am too frustrated to deal with something, I will go do something mindless like tv or reading and then I will eventually fall asleep. Sometimes I will go work out but more times than not...I go to sleep. I know it is hard to cut back on grazing at work cause the food is always there, but to curb the triggers at home, just make sure you don't buy them or keep things on hand that are tempting for you. And if you are going to work early and miss your morning walk, try walking around the parking lot at work on your lunch break or find some kind physcial activity you can do on your breaks and after work. Good luck with keeping your morning promises to your self. I think writing them down or saying to someone else (like us hear) help make us more accountable. Keep us posted on how you are doing with your exercise, water and dealing with stress!
M B.
on 7/19/07 11:30 pm - Warrensburg, MO
Thanks Stephanie - some of the girls do go walk at lunch on days that it is not too unbearably hot. I need to drag myself away from my desk and go too! Good suggestion!
on 7/20/07 1:32 am - Zeeland, MI
I know that when I'm stress the first thing I think about is food. Then I have to tell myself that that's the old me and try to think about something else. Walking or jogging helps. Try to stick to the protein first and drink lots of water. Even if you are watching tv, you can stand there and walk or jog. I do that a lot. Kills two birds with one stone!! Good luck. I know how you feel though. ***HUGS****
on 7/20/07 7:34 am - IN
Marilyn- I have noticed the same thing with me lately. Something sounds good, so I eat it. The only good thing is that it is usually a piece of lunch meat wrapped with a piece of cheese, or some raw veggies with ranch dressing, or watermellon. Pre-surgery those choices would have been SOOOO different! I try not to stress over it, but you are right about how easy it is to get into bad habbits. I mean, this is how I got fat to start with, right?! Hang in there. I DEFINITELY know mine is stress related, which is such a no-no! I try to listen to when my body is actually hungry, which is 4-5 times a day. It is not even like meals, more like 2 meals and 3 snacks, but whatever! It seems to be working. Good luck finding another outlet for your stress!!! It, and food, are always going to be around us! Belle
on 7/20/07 1:02 pm
I am definately overeating as well. I'm eating too much fruit and too much junk food. Someone else posted about a 12 step program and I'm going to check in with her soon and find out how it's going. I am eating too much at one time and too much throughout the day- I think the only thing that's saving me is the exercise. Steph's right though- I do much better on the days I chart on fitday.com. Holly
Stacy E.
on 7/20/07 4:34 pm - Copperas Cove, TX
Marilyn, I'm feeling the same way the past few weeks. It's like my crappy appetite has come back all of a sudden. I crave the junk that I haven't craved in 6 months....I liked it 3 months ago when nothing sounded appetizing!! I have found that I can eat a bit more at meals....I know I'm not alone...many of us have said that as we have hit this 6 month point, so I know I'm not out of the ordinary...but, it still makes me freak out a bit on the inside. Stacy
on 7/24/07 2:27 pm - Houston, TX
You are so right. I am at my sixth month and have noticed my snacking. I am trying so hard not to when I am not hungry. I am always talking to myself when I want to get something. I say " are you hungry? Most times it is no. I tried to eat only when I felt the hunger pangs throughout the day and I only ate three times. I am concerned. I know I am not getting enough protein. I did increase my water because I was having serious headaches. The other change I am working on is not buying any junk food. Although I have a ten year old, who does not need the junk. I must confess, when I shopping I purchased two not one but two high fat and sugar snacks. I was kicking myself for a few days. I put the desserts out of sight from my nine year old and my self. I could not believe I purchased that junk. I do not like to waste but I sure do want to throw them out. My chidl does not know we have the donuts and nutty butty bars which are hers and mines favorite. Crazy. I guess it was my old self coming out. So Stacy , what I am planning to do on my next shopping outing, I will follow my planned list. Keep clear of the junk food. Someone posted about a 100 calorie ice cream. It sounds good, but if you can not eat just one, I suggest not starting. I had an episode with BlueBell icecream bar minis. I could not stop eating them. Of course you know I did not get my protein in nor did I drink enough water. I was full from the ice cream. I was sick after eating mutiple mini's bars. So I wondering if my weight loss has slowed down b/c of the icecream binge. I will see when I go to the dr. of friday. Thanks, I needed to air my thoughts. Sorry for being so long Gloriousb
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