I think I have the BLAHS
Or could it be hibernation syndrome...or does HS only happen in the early stages??? i don't really feel sad or anything but I don't feel happy either. But I am now starting to feel very tired and sleepy. I don't even want to get up and work out in the mornings. Twice in the last week, I have stayed in the bed a good part of the day. One of which was yesterday, I was active for a while (worked in the yard for about 2 hours cutting the grass and such) and then I left right out after that to go get my hair done and did some other errands. So I was going from about 9:30 until 6:30. But once I got home, I laid down and did not move anymore until about 11 pm when I went to get my daughter from work. I was so sluggish feeling. And I was trying to watch television, but could barely keep my eyes open. The other time it was a weekend day and I pretty much laid around the house all day doing much of nothing. I almost feel as if I am having a pity party but don't know why.
Could this be hibernation or is that only in the early stages? I am taking all my supplements on a daily basis ( every now and then I will miss a dose) and my water in, use protein shakes as well.
Or could this be I am still lazy?( This is pretty much how I acted before WLS) I am working out too much (I work out at least 5 days a week and some days twice a day when time allows (this is mostly becuase I am bored)? Or should I be calling my surgeons office to chat?
Thanks for listening!

Oh, and as far as not feeling happy or sad, I have days like that too. I think it's common to go through depression after surgery. Not saying that's what you have, but just to prepare yourself. I've heard that a lot of hormones are stored in our fat cells and our body is just adjusting to losing all that weight. Plus, there are days where I miss the food I used to eat. Not as much though as I'm enjoying losing the weight though. I'll pray for you hon.
Janie...are you trying to make me cry??? lol I sometimes think I am depressed but I have no reason to be...I love my job, my kid is while a typical teen, she is still good, and I am finally losing weight...but for some reason I am not really happy. Thank you so much for your prayers and caring enough to pray with me! I have not had labs done since 3 months post op. And I do know i am mourning not eating the foods I used to be able to eat. I am so happy I am on this board and have met such wonderful ppl as you!!

Yes, same thing here. Three healthy girls, life is going good, I'm losing weight, all that good stuff and yet sometimes I feel like there is something missing, I'm a little depressed. I am blaming it on the hormones OR missing food. I think what you are feeling is totally normal Steph. We'll get though this! *HUGS*
Hi Girls! I am sorry you are feeling down. You know, I really think hormones could be a part of it. I go through swings lately, and I never have been moody. In reference to wanting to sleep, though, I definitely go through 2-3 periods where I just have no energy. Hopefully what ever it is, you are both back on top of your games soon!
Hi Stephanie,
I too have been mourning the loss I food I believe. I am really happy I am losing weight but we had a cook out on Wed. with our family and I really wanted some Chips. Which I didn't eat. But I think it is my time of the month coming and I seem to be checking out my cupboards for a snack. Good thing they're bare!!! I don't have children home anymore and always make cookies for hubby a kind that I won't eat. But I am still missing going out for Ice Cream. Sometimes I even want junk food.
It's kind of like losing my best friend...
named Food.
I think your doing great but it does sound like you maybe need to slow down a little and smell the roses. Remember" Rome Wasn't Built In A Day..." I still think it is going to take time for our bodies to catch up. Even though it has been almost 6 months.
So no more Pity Parties. Your doing good. Think of where you were this time last year.
Hugs!! Roxanne