Weightloss Failure!
Okay since you brought it up
, I too am a carb addict. I need a 12 step program I am so bad. I try to keep it at 100 carbs a day but I dream of my cheesecake brownies or this cajun trail mix I love. I don't eat that much carbs (I don't think 100 grams of carbs a day is too much) but I worry if that will change once my appetite comes back. My doc said I would never be hungry again but I know from my time on OH that is not necessarily true. I had RNY so I don't know anything about LAP BAND but I wanted to let you know that you are NOT alone in this addiction.

Thanks for the response, Sandy. I re-committed today to a LOW CARB life-style. I do feel like some kind of junkie.... "Hi, my name is Laura and I ate too much chocolate cake last night"... But I guess it is true. I couldn't stay out of the cake, so I threw it in the trash can!!! Nobody at home even noticed. They don't even eat sweets! I can't be anywhere around sweets or I go nuts. I really feel like the alcoholic who can't go into the bar. I had my 6th fill today and got a good pep talk from my surgeon and his staff. They are really positive. I drove directly to the grocery store and bought a can of nuts, cheese sticks and a bag of carrots. I also have a protein bar in my car in case I get the munchies on the run. I wish this were easier, but changing something this major in your life after age 40 is really tough! Again, thanks for your supportive feedback.
Hi Laura,
The above link I gave you is for the lap band board site. Maybe someone there could give you a few suggestions. We have a girl named Monica ( I think the name is right) on here that I believe had lapband. She may read this and answer your questions better.
If you read back through this weeks Monday Weigh Ins you will see her name. It is hard but don't get too down on yourself. It will come off. Try to empty your house of all the bad carbs and maybe try a couple protein drinks a day or protein bars. I think it helps me to not be hungry if I eat some protein instead of choosing a carb. Which always used to make me hungry. We are pleased you hopped on the board and look forward to hearing more from you. The Jan. Family is a great support bunch. We all care. Hugs !! Roxanne
Hi Laura!
I am so sorry that you are getting so frustrated, but it is definitely understandable. I had an RNY, so I don't know much about the lap-band. One of the wonderful things about the RNY vs. the lapband though, is that it helps you to break your carb addiction through some serious behavior mod... if you eat too many bad carbs, you dump, and that is not fun. Don't be too hard on yourself though. After all, can any of us say that we are NOT food addicts? You don't become morbidly obese because you feel "so-so" about food. My only adivse would be the same things you have heard in some of the earlier posts: 1) consult with your doc about why you are no longer losing, and if you don't like the answer, get a second opinion; and 2) try to find some protein foods that you like, or atleast complex carbs, instead of turning to the bad ones.
30 pounds is great, and awesome that it has stayed gone, but I know you are hoping for more. Good luck in jumpstarting it again!
You have been asked some good questions here. YAY to you for throwing out the cake! Gina and I both had surgery in January and it can take several fills to get good restriction (can take longer if you have a 10ml band vs the 4ml band). However, it's also very possible to lose the weight by not allowing the soft, mushy, sugary stuff in your diet? Is it easy? No! Does it go down well? Yes! You can do it though. If you try to stick to the 3 solid protein meals a day, you will lose the weight. Also, if you're feeling hungry between meals or are able to eat more than a couple of ounces of protein, then it's time for a fill.
You can do this! Just stick with your re-commitment and it will happen!!