Big Medicine
Have any of you seen the new TLC show on Monday nights called Big Medicine? I love TLC and have seen previews for the show but finally watched my first episode last night. It was a really good show. It's a reality show about obesity. It focuses on two surgeons in Houston who do weight loss surgery and one plastic surgeon who works on WLS patients. It's really good and last night's program really gave me hope that I could actually wear a bikini again. If you haven't seen it, you might want to look it up and see when it comes on in your area. It's a show about US!!!! The one lady last night that inspired me was about my high weight when she had her gastric bypass and had lost over 100 lbs (can't wait to be there!) and was going into the PS done to finish her "transformation"...and oh my goodness, she had a leg lift, tummy tuck and breast implants done and looked AMAZING afterward. Her stomach was completely flat and they got rid of most of her stretch marks. I have always thought that I was WAAYYYY too far gone to ever fit in a bikini again (still not sure it'd be me to wear one, but maybe) and after I saw her stomach I was like, oh yes I can!!!! Her sloppy floppy belly skin before plastic surgery was exactly like mine, and my son was like "ew Mom that's gross," and my response, was "son mine looks just like that" and he just looked at me with disgust...

Hey Lori..I always catch the tail end of it but I have seen bits and pieces of it...I think I saw the lady you were talking about and she look fantastic!! Was it the lady who had a twin? If so I saw her at the "coming out"party and she was the bomb! I like TLC and Discovery Health Channel. I am addcited to them both!! lol

Awwww man!! We don't get that channel here! I really don't miss anything because I know I can get it on DVD after the season ends but I don't think I can do that with TLC, besides I'd like encouragement now
Anyone willing to record it and send it to me?
I never imagine I'll be in a bikini either even with ps because I figure they can only do so much.
But I would like to be toned and less wiggly.
I'm going to go on their website and see if they repeat shows on there.

Hey Janie,
You can catch it again on Wed. nights at 10 PM so you get one more chance to see this episode. It doesn't show it in my TV listing guide but the past 3 weeks it has taken over that 10 PM spot here. So check it out tonight. I am sure after they show the season of them they will have an all day marathon on TLC.
Anyway I enjoy the show.
Have a good day. Roxanne
Yes it is a weekly show on Monday nights and here it comes on at 8 (I think).
On this weeks episode tha lady who had the PS was a twin and her name was Sherron. She said she was always the "ugly" twin, but for the first time in her life she felt beautiful. All 3 stories this week were great, but next week's episode is about a man who was like 700 lbs at one time and his father is sick and needs a kidney transplant and he's hoping if he gets his gastric bypass he can get healthy enough to give his father one of his kidneys. I'm thinking they must have followed some of these people with cameras for atleast a year to complete each show because it chronicles a lot of their "journey"...