Hair Loss
I was told there is little you can do about it except start taking biotin early on, and even that may not really help. It is supposed to peak at about 6 months post-op and is not generally permanent. Not everyone experiences it. You and I are just 2 of the lucky ones!
I always have had thin hair and lost lots of hair after my pregnancies. I was expecting it to be worse than it is, but it is still a good amount of hair coming out.
I too have very thin hair and didn't start having any hair loss until last month! I immediately started taking biotin but I don't think it has helped. I seriously considering cutting my hair shorter for the time being (It's shoulder length now) because it's really too stringy and it's so darn thin!
Hopefully this won't last but I'm definitely going to ask my doctor about it when I see her next month.
If I get any helpful insight from her I will definitely post it.
I feel like I am losing hair but my hair stylist says that she thinks my hair is still doing good. Its growing and not thinning to her....I feels thinner when I wa**** my self. On the other side, my hair has always shedded a now the shedding is just about the same it is normally is for me. I have biotin but hardly ever take it either. I carry it in my purse but only remember to take it when some one else mentions it. Good luck!
hello Everyone,
Before surgery I had very thick hair. Everytime I went for a hair cut the barber had to thin my hair. Now it is so thin that with a short cut for the summer I look bald. Looking on the bright side, I can save money on hair cuts. At least until it grows back, which it will. Problem is when it grows back the thickness, texture and structure of the hiar will probably be different.
The hair loss is my biggest issue right now, and has only been going on for about a month. At the rate I'm losing it should all be gone within weeks. I have always had long hair and style it, but it was thin....I'm really beginning to get scared. I lose large amounts several times a day and I have never seen anything like it in my life. I wear short sleeve shirts a lot (HELLO I LIVE IN TEXAS) but I spend about 75% of my day complaining about the hairs falling off my head and tickling my arms, I feel like screaming. It's a miserable feeling thinking you might go bald...especially as a woman. My hair is part of my identity. I think I'll need counseling if I lose much more...

Yeah I have been losing my hair since about 2.5 months out. It seems to have slowed marginally recently. I've been taking biotin too plus using nioxin shampoo. I don't think the nioxin has helped much with the loss, just strengthened what I have. From what people say on the main board the damage was done the day of surgery & we just need to let it run its course. I'd make sure to get in my minimum protein requirement, if not more too.