goal weight
I don't think my doctor ever really gave me a goal weight. I remember I was looking at the paper work they submitted to my insurance and it read 130something...I laughed so hard I thought I was going to pee my pants!! The last time I was probably 130 was in elementary school.
I am not a tiny boned person although I'm 5'4 my wrists ankles and just overall structure seem larger and heavier than the average. Or so it seems when comparing clothes sizes and the weight number with those of my heighth.
My last year of high school I was probably close to 180 if not larger and wore a size 14 JUNIORS! Now I'm 185 or so, taking shifting into accountability, I fit in a 16 but I'm guessing for me to get back into a 14 Misses it'll probably be another 20 pounds if not more. I think it would be great if I can get down to 170.
134 according to that calculator still seems unrealistic for me but in reality it is only 50 pounds away which with the slowing weight loss I can hope for 6 months but likely 9-12??
When I was going to Curves a few years back they did all the technical calculations, measurements and digital bone mass thing (I'm sure there is a name but I don't remember it) and according to them I should weigh 170.
So in summation...I HAVE NO CLUE
and have never really set a goal for myself!! Probably because of years of dissappointments I didn't want to set myself up this time.
I will just continue to celebrate everytime I get an outfit on in a size I never thought I would reach and actually feel good comfortable and confident in!
This was a good post, gets me thinking!