Can we do an intro for everyone?
Hi Everyone!
My name is Lindy, I am 39 turning 40 next month. I was dreading that until I had this surgery and now feel that I am going to be Fabulously Fit at Forty!
I have been married to my handsome Hubby Steve for 8 years. We live in Forney, Texas about 8 houses down from my inlaws. We have a beautiful dog named Halie, which we got when we were dating. She is 9 years old. My husband and I started dating in 1997, so this year is our 10 years together. Although we were best friends 1 1/2 years before we dated. He was my neighbor in my apartment complex and him and his 3 room mates were loud and obnoxious. My sister and I complained to the apartment complex and police alot before I actually met my husband. He is 4 1/2 years younger and I was a career woman living in a college town. Good thing he grew up, or I guess I just looked past that at the time.
I have a twin sister, Cindy, whom I talk to at least 2-3 times daily. She lives very close and we still share a special bond. My parents live about 3 hours from here and I talk to my mom at least an hour a day on my commute home from work.
I am a Certified Public Accountant and I work as the Manager - Financial Planning and Analysis for Verizon Communications in the Legal department. My team is responsible for ensuring the outside counsel firms get paid along with managing/analyzing the expenses/budget for the department.
My husband and I have been trying to have children since 2002 with no luck. We are leaving it in the good Lord's hands. We just started looking into the Foster to Adopt programs in our area.
We love spending time with friends, family and especially having my friends kids spend the night over at our place, at least it makes us temporarily get the fun of having kids around. I have two beautiful nieces, Krista and Tiffanie and two handsome nephews, Kris and Matthew. We do a whole lot for them and love spending time with them. I have 3 best friends besides my twin - Pam (20 years), Stacy (18 years) and Jana (11 years) .
We built a pool last summer and we are hoping to have a lot of fun this summer, especially now that I don't mind being in a bathing suit.
I have two people that I have sponsored as their Angel, one is Brenda P, who had surgery on April 2nd and the other one is Teresa V, who had surgery on May 11th. I call them at least once a week if not more to check in to make sure they are staying motivated and on track with their goals and give them all the tips, I wish an Angel would have given me if I had one to help me through surgery, etc.
I try to post as much as I can on the board and I love the January group, because I feel most connected here than anywhere on the Help board. I think we have a neat group and I am so proud that everyone continues to support each other out.
Well, I already did a separate into, but I don't mind adding some more.
My name is Melanie.I will turn 38 (OMG) this month. I am married to a wonderful man .With him came two kiddos-Shannon now 15yrs & Ray now 14yrs.Together we had Kylee 7yrs & Logan 5 yrs. (My baby starts kindergarten this year!! *sniff*)
We have a great love for animals .We have a geriatric sheltie named Luke. 5 cats named Maverick, Jack, Princess ,Allie and Tazzy. And we also have some wonderfully sweet pet rats named Rusty, Starbuck,Apollo,Tigh,Brody,Monkey & Rock. We just lost Starshine a couple weeks ago and Rock will be passing soon. He and Star were my senior citizens of my rat mischief.
I have lost 72 lbs and am now in a 16/18 W. Can't wait to lose the W !! I am feeling better and better .This surgery was one of the best decisions of my life!!

Hi! My name is Jennifer and I've been married almost 25 years. I have three amazing daughters: Erin (almost 24 and an engineer), Claire (just turned 22 and an opera singer), and Rachel (17 and an aspiring cinematographer). And Lori, sorry, but I have the smartest, cutest, most amazing dog in the world named Max. I live in south Louisiana, so we enjoy good food and good music often. My surgery was 1/22/07 and I can't believe how much more weight everyone has lost than me. I lost 13 lbs. pre-op and I've lost 57 since for a total of 70 lbs. I guess being almost 51 years old has something to do with it. Oh well, at least I get to wear my clothes a little longer before I have to buy new ones. Keep up the good work everyone! Jen
Don't despair. I felt the same way as you about a slower weight loss but you know there are just so many factors...your starting weight, your age, your metabolism, etc.
I think you are doing great. I had my surgery on 1/30 and I've lost 62lbs. I'm thrilled as I had a record 4 lb weight loss this week (which hasn't happened since the beginning).
The bottom line is we all lose at our own pace, but heck as long as we are losing then we are achieving a goal!
Hello Everyone, My name is Laura and I am from Saint Paul, Minnesota. I will turn 28 years old on June 15. I have a son Juan, who also shares the same birthday as myself, he will be turning 12. I had him on my sixteenth birthday. I also have a son Victor, he will be 10 in July and my daughter Elbira, turned 6 last December. I finalized my divorce last October, my two oldest boys' dad, however I have been in a relationship for almost 8 years with my daughter's dad. (confusion huh?).
I had the surgery on 1/22/07, can honestly say it was the best thing I have done for myself. My heaviest weight was 280+, my pre-op weight was 267.9. I now weigh 190. That is 77.9 pounds lost. OMG, can you believe that. 2007 is the year for me! I have appointments in August, to have braces put in to fix some crowding in mouth. Hopefully, with all done, I will finally feel like a normal person with nothing to hide.
I work outside of the home at a spine clinic in the patient accounting department. I also volunteer with the Saint Paul Public Schools with the "Site Council" been a member for 6 years and the co-chair for 4 of the 6 years. I am also on the PTO with my children's school. I love being around them. I want them to value their education.
I have been slightly heavy all my life, however the real weight did not come on until I was pregnant at 15 years old and went from 170 to 200 pounds and it excalated from there. I am so happy that I was given the gift to re-instate my life for the better.
I wish everyone a successful weight loss journey. God bless you. Take care. Check out my profile when you have a chance.

My name is Tricie, I am 43, married for 8 years. I have a set of 23 yo twins(boy and girl) and a 21 yo son. I have 2 gandkids(3 and 1). My husbands sons live with us. They are 15 and 12. I work for a transportation company in GA. I am originally from IL and moved to GA 3 years ago. I had WLS on 01/17/07 weighing in at 362 lbs. I now weigh 269. I have loss 93 lbs and I feel better than I have EVER. I wear a size 20 skirt(some 18s) from a 32. WLS is the best thing that ever happen to me. I am still 100 lbs from my doctors goal but I am real happy about how far I have come.