so dissapointed I just wanna cry!!
I didnt post my Mon. Morning weigh in because I was just disgusted with myself. Last Monday i weighed and was at 268...making my total loss 99lbs. I was so excited and ready to get that 1lb off to put me at 100lbs lost so I weighed again on Wednesday. Not only didnt I lose the 1lb but I gained 5!!! Back up to 273. I made myself stay off the scale until Monday thinking surely Id lost that 5 and then some. Well I was at 269, so Id only lost a total of 98lbs. I jsut wanna cry. Im so afraid this is it and Im gonna stop losing, or worse, gain back what Ive already lost. I dont think Im eating too much but heres an example of my daily menu. What do you guys think?
B. 1 ham and cheese lean pocket (about 120 calories)
L. 3/4 of a lean cuisine meal (about 200-300 calories)
D. 1 meat (about 3oz steak, chicken, beef, or seafood)
1 T starch ( rice, mashed potatoes)
1-2 T veggies
snack is usually fresh fruit, or a protein bar or nuts...
What am I doing wrong??? HELP!!
Please do not feel afraid! I have heard of this and my doctor even warned me of it. He said EVERYONE will feel like this at some point but the only thing that we really put on is stress. You will go back down. We have to remember that our bodies are doing crazy things right now and I know as women our bodies like to do things that seem completely irrational to our minds but are normal because of hormones and such. I don't know the biologicals of it all but I am reassured that every time something seems screwy it all gets worked out.
Your menu looks fine to me. I'm not a nutritionist but I don't think you are eating things you shouldn't be eating. Perhaps as others have suggested in the past maybe upping the protein or increasing your water? Again, I'm only reiterating suggestions that have thrown out there before.
I don't know about you but I am a stress eater and I don't want anything that around that is going to make me feel like I have to turn to food for comfort. I tried to leave that on the operating table
If the scale/numbers are making you stress out please please please put it away. Resolve that this surgery, this tool that you have gone to great lengths and pains to put yourself through will help you SUCCESSFULLY become a healthier you regardless of what the scale says from one day to the next.
We are all on the road to healthier but the path we take to get there isn't always going to be smooth, at the same pace, or even consistent but our destination, a healthier us, is the goal and we will ALL attain it!
I will pray for you, not about the numbers but about the stress levels, peace and joy we all would feel on this journey.
Take care,

It looks like your eating alright. I would also suggest maybe add a protein drink or make sure your getting your fluids. Even try counting your carbs. I have been trying to keep my carbs to under 40 a day. Maybe I am not getting enough. I should study up !! This is still all confusing to us. You just might be holding onto water. If your exercising that might do it. Sometimes we lose inches and not pounds. It will happen for you again. I know there have been days ( my case was 3 weeks) I thought I was done but started again. Try not to feel so bad and I know you will have a better week next week. I'm glad you posted because it probably has helped others who are struggling with the same issues. There are always going to be struggles and people who tell you that you have taken the easy way out haven't had this surgery. So smile and life will get better and don't feel so sad we are all here for you. Hugs, Roxanne
Hang in there! I think you are having the same fears we all do!
And I definitely don't think you are overeating. Actually, from what you posted it looks like you are not eating enough, and definitely are not getting enough protein. I have found that if I do the following things, it doesn't seem to matter if I eat 800 calories, or 1200 calories in a day: exercise, 100 g of protein, less than 100 g carbs, 64 oz or more water.
And of course, I never lose during my period!
You are doing SOOOOOO amazing! It will start moving again. I'll keep my fingers crossed that you are in the century club by Monday's weigh in!
Thanks Belle. Im glad to hear you dont think Im overeating. I was worried about that. Its wierd how before surgery Id have looked at what I eat now and thought it wan it seems like so much. I guess because I read so many posts where people say they eat two bites and are stuffed. Ive never been that way, but somedays it seems like I cant eat much when other days thats all I wanna do. I definantly have to work on my water intake. I'll let yall know how it goes Monday!!
Hey Mary:
I don't have any advice that has not already been posted above, but I do want to let you know that it is normal for the scales to fluctuate. Don't let it stress you out. Every now and then our bodies are going to stall because of the WLS. Our bodies think we are starving and will try to hold on to every little ounces that we have coming in. But, eventually, it will have to let go. If you look back on your weight loss since surgery and chart it on a should see a stair step type stay steady for a while and then their is a drop in weight loss....I am going to try and paste my chart below so you can see what I mean....hope it comes thru...And just remember that the stalls are normal and we all go thru them. I will also send up a prayer that the stress from the scales don't get the best of you. You are doing a great job so keep it up and don't give up! If My post does not come thru, please look on my page and I will post the chart there. (((((HUGS))))
Weight Vs Time