Krazeeeeeeeee dreams!!
Sometimes our sub-conscious mind can be so annoying!
As some of you know, my hubby deployed to Iraq in October and I had my surgery in January. He has not seen even a single picture of me since then. He knows how much weight I have lost but, he does not have a visual at all.
He is due to come home for his 2 week R & R in June......and I have been having some whacky dreams this week!!!
I must tell you that my husband is an absolute doll. We both have a history of ugly marriages and we just got married last year. He was well worth the wait and he is the most supportive and loving hubby that any woman could ask for....that's what makes these dreams even more whacky. I also have to add that my hubby has always liked meat with his other words, he has always been attracted to heavier I have that opposite subconscious fear of getting too skinny. Though he tells me he loves me for who I am whether I'm heavy, thin, or otherwise...he just wants me to be happy and healthy.
So your saying shut up already and tell us about the dreams!!!!!!
The first one I had was last week. I went to the airport to pick him up and said...."Well, whadya think????" and he says..."I really can't tell much of a difference." Of course, I went ballistic..."WHADDYA MEAN YOU CAN"T TELL ANY #@$*!@ DIFFERENCE!! I HAVE 80 LBS OF DIFFERENCE!!"
I woke up and the poor man was 7000 miles away in the desert and was in trouble and he didn't even know it. haha
Yesterdays dream was even worse....he comes home and doesn't want much to do with me...we go to the local lake to go swimming and we are sitting on a towel and I confronted him as to why after being gone 7 months he won't even talk to me. He says..."Well, your just not appealing to me anymore."....I say "well fine then" and get up and walk away from him. I look back and he is kissing up on some pencil thin girl who has magically appeared at his side....and I'm like, WTF???? he complained about me losing weight and now he's kissing up on someone who looks like a stick!!
Now, I must say that anyone who knows me, knows that I would never just get up, walk away, and be fine with that. haha
I'm assuming it's me getting nervous as to what he will think of me when he does see me for the first time.
I can laugh at these dreams because they are so far from what kind of person my hubby is...he truly is a wonderful person, and any of these things would be so out of character for him.
I have told him about these dreams of course, and the poor man keep apologizing to me for hurting my feelings. I keep telling him he hasn't done anything wrong, it's my own crazy mind.
I laughed and told him that even if he didn't see a big difference to at least lie about it and pretend that he does....for his own safety. haha
I know this post was pointless, but, just wanted to share how twisted our minds can be with ourselves.
I know that we are both counting the minutes until we can see each other again, and I know he accepts me no matter what.
Thanks for listening to my back to your regularly scheduled program........

It is so funny that you posted about crazy dreams, Stacy. I just had the most distrurbing dream (to me) last night. It had nothing to do with my husband, but instead it was about me finally breaking down and starting to drink Pepsi One (my fav pre-op!!) with abandon and without restriction...I do miss it terribly! It felt so good to feel those bubbles burning my throat and could actually feel them in my dream! I woke up this morning in a panic..thinking that I had ruined eveything and broken all the rules! Also, on another front, I too have frequent dreams that no one notices what I am doing and how much I have lost. And, sometimes I have dreams that people tell me that I looked better heavy (yeah, right!
) and couldn't possibly have felt that bad health-wise, and that I made a huge mistake giving up food just to feel and look better. Then in the dreams I start to second-guess whether I did actually make a huge mistake by having surgery. Obviously, I wake up and know that I haven't, but it does shake me for a few minutes and makes me wonder.
I think that we tend to get caught up in our daily lives to the point where psychologically our brains have to find time to work through our unspoken fears and issues. This is what dreams are help our unconscious minds ease themselves when we can do it for ourselves in our conscious hours.
Don't worry...your hubby will come home and be amazed at how hard you are working and what you have accomplished while he was away. He will notice
and will certainly let you know that he does! Have a great visit with him when he makes it home to you.

Hi - I think that your just really nervous about seeing him again and if he is going to validate your great success - which from what you say he most definitely will. Don't be suprised if he doesn't recognize you at first.....My hubby was picking me up from the bus stop and drove right past me - said he didn't even recognize me. That is crazy, cause he sees me everyday.
Everything is going to be great - you must be so excited to see him after such a long time.