It's Me Again
Hi Guys....It is raining today and gluming so I am stuck in the house doing house work. (or at least that is what I am supposed to be doing but you see I am on line instead)
But is my latest thing. The first 3 months of this surgery were a breeze...I was not hungry at all. But now, it seems that less than an hour after I eat...I want to eat again. This is so freaking me out! I know I am not hungry but I just feel like my pouch is empty and I want to fill it up again. Just like I used to do before weight loss surgery. And I hate to think how it will be a year from now or 5 years from now. I still wait an hour after I eat before I start back drinking my water and when I drink water, it sometimes kills the desire, but not always.
Has anyone else felt this way? If so, how do you deal with it?
Hi Stephanie,
I have to wait 1/2 hour before drinking. So maybe if you try that it will help. I also find I get a little hungry and sometimes wonder if it is head hunger. I was a Type 2 diabetic for years and got used to eating all the time. I think anytime I ate carbs they all turned to sugar and in no time I was hungry. I am afraid that is going to happenn again. But my Dr. says no. So I have been going for a light cheese stick or an egg. I think the protein helps to curb my appetite. So I always opt for protein. Maybe someone will have some other ideas for you. Later, Roxanne
Thanks Roxanne: I am not eating breads, pasta, rice or potatoes right now, so I don't understand why I seem to be hungry so quickly..or not even hungry..but want to eat so soon. I mostly eat vegetables and high protein meats. I think it is just my old habits trying to pop back up and I am just going to have to stick to my guns and hopefully it will go away.
Hi Stephanie,
I do go through this about twice a week, and for an entire week when it's time for my cycle to begin. Other than that, I really seem to have a hard time forcing myself to eat...I just sort of forget for hours on end until I feel sick to my stomach and have to eat. It really just seems to come and go for me. I think that I am in just the opposite position from you in that when my pouch is empty, I don't want to fill it up. Which explains why I am having such a hard time getting enough calories in and why I keep stalling.
If you are keeping within your daily calorie intake and not eating things that you know you shouldn't eat, then this may just be a matter of getting used to the head hunger and making the best choices possible. I have a friend who is almost 5 years out and she still has issues with eating, just not as many as before or immediately after surgery. But, she also has to really watch what and how much she eats. The surgery for her was just a "do over".
I don't now if any of this helps at all, but perhaps knowing that my friend is still within 10 pounds of her low goal at 5 years out will give you some hope for the future...I know it does for me!

Stephanie - you are not alone. Just today I was thinking the same thing, "why am I so hungry?" I haven't eaten more than I should ,but today I feel like I can. I pray it's just head hunger and not me on the road to starting bad habits. We can do this! We can!!! I know I haven't been drinking the fluids like I should, so I am hoping that's it.
I'm glad you posted this- I thought it was just me. My hunger has returned as has my craving for crappy foods. I was kinda hoping it was just a PMS thing- but I'm at 2 weeks now so I doubt it.
I'm reading this book- Life is Hard, Food is easy and there's a couple of things that have stuck with me...
1- a craving really only lasts 10 minutes- this has been true for me except once- but I'm still testing this theory...
2- flavor and texture are found in the first 2-3 bites of a food- after that you're just shoveling- this has really been true for me- I had blue cheese the other nite and after the first few bites- the sensation was gone and I just wanted to fill my face
I was REALLY hungry when I first got home post surgery and i didn't think I'd had the surgery done, then months 2 and 3 I had to force myself to eat- but now I'm back at square one. I have been terrible this week and last- I'm going to start using fitday or something like it and I think I will go back to the bullets and I've got to up my exercise.
Anyways- that's where I'm at. I am starting to look at this as my surgery gave me the gift of an easy 75 pound loss- but anything from here on out I will have to work harder for.
I will be excited to see what others say...
You are so right Holly! The first three months were a breeze for me but now I am seeing that I am really having to learn to make good and healthy decisions. Last night I went to a birthday party and they had hot wings there. Normally I am able to eat about 3 or 4 and be satisfied...I had 5 and half last night and I could have probably eaten more. That really felt bad because I could feel myself wanting to over indulge just because the food was there. And I agree with what you quoted from the book..the first few bites do satisfy me but I just keep shoveling it in for no apparent reason. So what I need to figure out is how to stop after I get that satisfaction???? Thanks for letting me know that I am not alone in this!