Sort of new..this is going to be long!!
Hello all!
I am sort of new here! I was lurking for awhile and may have posted a bit, it's been awhile I can't remember. Either way, I had my RNY surgery on 1/11. You all are doing fabulous!! Your determination is inspiring!
The last few months of my life has been crazy! Just 2 months after my surgery we were on the road on the way to Italy. So you can imagine the craziness that we encountered just preparing for the move the few months before..
We left our home in California on March 10 and did some vacationing for 37 days before finally arriving here in Sicily 3 weeks ago. Thanks to the Navy, gratefully so, we will make this our home for the next 3 years. The only regrets I've had is how I've taken care of my body post RNY being on the road and so displaced. I made a lot of promises to myself if I chose to have this surgery and I think I've broken so many of those already. I haven't done 1 day in the gym, although I have walked more the past 4 months than I have in 5 years combined! I still told myself I would make sure and get strength training done a few times a week. I slacked TERRIBLY on my vitamins and other medicines!! I didn't drink enough water as a result I think I encouraged the kidney stones! I've done so so on the protein but I wasn't able to supplement much since I was on the go. Although being on the road doesn't allow for super great food choices, I did do pretty well in that area.
So here I am. We are in our home buried under 13 crates worth of boxes and furniture. I feel overwhelmed with all that I have to do to make this home my home, every time I close my eyes I hope that when I open them it is all done...'s not. I will get it done, it's just not at the pace I would like.
Can I ask you all to hold me accountable? I have no excuses, buried under boxes or not.
The exercise: I can workout. There is a gym in the base housing I live in, it's seriously a 5 minute walk from my house. I have a treadmill, a nice one at that! I have kids who would have no problem with me taking them outside to the park, that I have to mention is a 15 second walk from my house. We have tennis courts, roller hockey (now that I won't do), a basketball court, a soccer field that I could walk/run) all in a 10-30 second walk from my house. Could God have made it any easier? Now I have to do my part, I know.
The protein: I have all my supplemental products within my reach now. I ordered the tasteless whey protein and have been adding it once a day to my food. I've also had 1 protein shake a day. In addition, the food I eat has pretty good amounts of protein. My goal is that I would have to supplement as little as possible and get all my protein from food itself.
The eating: I don't think I overeat, although there are times I feel pretty full. I do, however, eat the same meals I make for my family. With the exception of sugar, I use Splenda. If I make them a meal with primarily pasta, I don't eat that. I also don't have the rice in meals. I have no clue how many calories I'm taking in a day! I don't know if I should be keeping track. Okay, so here in Sicily the best pastry shop happens to be local! We bought a variety box of it and from that box I've had a nibble here and there. I know I shouldn't have but I just wanted to try it. Honestly, the amount was no more than a tablespoon size but the guilt that came along with it was truckloads!
The Vitamins and medicines: I have stopped taking the Urso, although my surgeon said to take it for 6 months. I've misplaced it in the move and can probably find it but it hasn't been a priority. I need to make it one. If anything I can have my doctor here prescribe me some more. The vitamins, I ordered some of the Vista from and this is my second day taking them. They are so easy going down. I just need to find out if I need more iron since I've been on a non-stop period since my surgery almost 4 months ago.
One more, completely RNY unrelated. Home schooling: I home school my daughter, 7 years old, and will begin with my son, 5 years old, soon. We just have not kept on top of it. Please do not get me wrong, they are far from behind in regards to skills and levels, but I'm afraid that our inconsistencies lately have made us complacent. We need to get back to actively doing school at least 5 days a week, according to me. My daughter needs that, as well.
If I've missed something feel free to point it out!
Nice, huh? I just jump in this board and then start throwing requests out there. I understand if it's not received in the manner it was intended, but if the only purpose this served was for me to physically type out and read what I need to be on top of then great.
I promise this will not be a take only relationship because I will be supportive to you, I will be your cheerleader and one of your biggest fans!
If you made it this far, thanks for reading! I'm sure this counts as a novel!
Take care and best wishes to all of you!!!
God Bless,
281 (according to the doctor), today 195, goal ( I don't have one)

Hi Adrianne,
Well first off welcome to the January support board. Everyone on here is so nice. I had my surgery 1 day after you. I then had a problem 2 days later and had to be opened up this time. But they found the problem and I am fine now. I did lay in bed and say why did I do this? Then I remembered how unhealthy I was. I was on like 16 pills a day. I am now off all those pills. I have a neighbor that had the surgery 5 weeks after me. So we walk 2 miles every night. I think if you can find a friend to take a walk with it helps to pass the time. Also maybe try to take the kids for a walk at a certain time daily. It also sounds like you are going to get plenty of exercise just unpacking your boxes !! One Day At A Time. It looks like you have done awesome in the weight loss department. I know what you mean about trying to get your protein from foods. I tend to use Unjury Protein Powder twice a day. I hate meats and any seafood so it is hard for me.
But I keep on trying to come up with more ideas. Well I wish you much success settling into Italy. ( Wow ) A long way from home. If you want to email me just to talk I will be here. Also remember the Jan. Board. They are a great bunch of Weight Loss friends. We're all in this together. Take Care, Roxanne
Greetings! We're Navy as well, we homeschool, and we're now preparing for new orders and a move....BTDT, doing it all again!! It's not just a life, it's an adventure!
Anyway, I may be radical here, but I'd say focus on getting back on track with your fluids, protein, vitamins, and eating (in that order) first.
Cut yourself a bit of slack with the exercise and schooling until you make some headway on settling your household....hauling and unpacking all those boxes IS exercise! School can wait a couple of weeks - just think of all the great field trips ya'll can take once you're settled!! I know, it's really hard to set it aside because we feel like if we put it off another week or two we'll be so far behind, yada yada yada. But the truth is, it really CAN wait. You really will catch up. Your kids really are learning during this whole move process.
Now, I will say that exercise can be a HUGE stress reliever, so you may want to go ahead and get into the habit of running to the gym for a workout every day, just to get away from the boxes and kids for a while.
Regarding the gall bladder meds, my surgeon just took me off mine because they were making me break out in hives. He said the most crucial time to take them was between surgery and month 3, though he prescribes them through month 6. If you still have them, and the prescription, go ahead and start them again...but don't sweat it too much (that's my own totally uneducated, non-medically trained advice).
You are doing FANTASTIC with your weight loss! Now get back on track with your health. You can do this!
Hi Adrianne!
Good to see you around! Having this surgery is a worldwind experience in itself, but you also moved to a different country! That is a lot and I am so happy you shared your concerns with us. I always find that writing things out and seeing it on paper help me to get back on track. I am here to support you and cheer you on as well. You are going to be fine. God always provides us with what we need...even when we don't know we need it. So yes, He did make it easy for you to get your exercise in by the close proximity you have to so many exericise resources! You told us what you need to do, and awareness is half the battle. And in my book, moving and unpacking boxes is exercise. Count what you do during the day as part of your work out and then have some down time doing fun exercise out side the house. I think variety is what keeps people motivated to work out and you have so much to do and it all right there with you.
As far as getting on track with the home schooling, you guys just had a big relocation and I think it would be pretty normal to not be in your routine for now. But you know you have to get back on track, so set a date and get back to it. And like you said, they are not behind so you shouldn't be so hard on self about that.
See you around and know that we are here when you need us!

Hi Adrianne!
I am so glad you jumped in an posted! Sometimes this board gets a bit quiet and I know you are just the girl to liven things up!
WLS is a wild ride and your move has made it even more so.
My homeschooled son graduated a couple of months ago and is working his first job saving money for college. I don't know much about the military lifestyle since my hubby was out of the Coast Guard when I met him. However, I am learning since our oldest son is at the Air Force Academy. He talks in acronyms! Fortunately, I have a cheat sheet of translations.
The priority is to take care of yourself first. Only then can you take care of everyone else. At 43, I am just learning and embracing this. I felt guilty and selfish when I made time for myself before this. Now I see how much better I am for everyone else when I do take the time to eat right, exercise (no matter how much I have to schedule around it), get my vitamins, enrich my mind, read, etc. I seem to be able to get more done too. Go figure.
I am glad you are here.
Hi Adrianne -
First of all, your weight loss is amazing!! You must have been doing something right. I believe you've made the first step in getting back on track and that's admitting that you haven't made the wisest choices. Today's a new day, and you can do it!! We are here for you if you need to talk or just vent!! I couldn't imagine homeschooling and moving to another country and watching what we eat and drink. That would be real hard!
Hey Adrianne,
Welcome to the Jan board.
First off, take a huge deep breath and sit back and relax. You have had a lot of change in the past few months. More than most of us on this board. So there is no need to beat yourself up over your lack of exercise and protein. The best thing you can do for yourself is to wipe the slate clean. Start over. You have created a new life for you and your family (compliments of the US Navy), so keep that going and start a new life for yourself. Here and now.
Sit down and make a schedule for yourself. Make it so that you have no reason not to follow it. Include things like drink my protein shake, take my vitamin, go to the gym, or an hour at the park. Keep this schedule until you get yourself back on track. You can even pencil in a couple hours a day to empty boxes so that it isn't too overwhelming.
The best advice I can give you is DON'T BE YOUR OWN WORST ENEMY. There is no need to beat yourself up. Your weight loss so far is WONDERFUL.
Take care and email me anytime for moral support.

Thank you all so much for your encouragement and welcome!
This is a new week and I hope to get back on track! My wonderful husband moved my treadmill into our bedroom so I can't help but to see it when I wake up and before I go to bed.
I've been pretty good last week about my protein and vitamins! In fact I just placed another order for some different types of protein supplements.
The unpacking....ughhh...we're on a time crunch now since we are having friends that are coming to stay with us in 2 weeks! I think that is what I needed a push, an incentive and it's here!
Part of my goals is not to be on the internet so much...I think I'm spreading
! But this will be one of my "dailys" so look out, I think I can say something about everything!
Look forward to getting to know you all better and hopefully being of some encouragement and support to you, as well!
Have a fabulous day!!
God Bless,
p.s. I will get to working on my site but that, too, will be slow coming