Scale addiction ???
I agree with Stephanie B. right now it is exciting. I have never in my life been able to see weight differences in as little as a couple of days. So, needless to say I am on the scale morning and night and after exercise of any kind.
I don't get discouraged with the scale is not down everytime, but I do let it help me gauge my calorie intake because there are days that I still overeat.
When I get discouraged with when I get on my 8-9 days stalls which seem to happen every month. During that long week, I don't weigh as often. But, I'm learning my body's weight loss pattern.
Scale addicts raise your hands please ... *raises hand*...
Seriously, 2 to 3 times a day.. morning before work, when I first get home and sometimes before bed.
I don't think that it's an addiction per se... and everything I have read indicates that the people who are the most successful with this surgery weigh every day, get 7 or more hours of sleep, take all their vitamins, get 60-120g of protein and 64 oz min of liquids and also exercise 30 min most days.
So ... you aren't abnormal, you are on track to be successful! More Power toyou.

My Name is Crystal, and I too am a SCALE ADDICT. I am on the scale every morning and if my husband happens to get into the bathroom before I can weigh, I will not eat or drin****il he is out so that I can get an accurate weight.
I know it is a problem, but I look at it as incentive. If I see no change, then I will increase my protien, or spend an extra 10 min on the treadmill.
I find that if I can't weigh myself one day, I am waiting and waiting until the next morning so I can see.
Honestly Lori, I look at it like we are little kids at Christmas. We have been given the chance to get a little gift each day, the loss of a pound. I think it is natural for us to anticipate seeing it fall off. As long as it is not consuming your thoughts throughout the day, I wouldn't be too concerned yet.
Hang in there, maybe we should hold a scale addicts thread each week.

I've been weighing my self twice a day since a week after surgery. Once, first thing in the morning (after I pee, of course) and then just before bed. It's interesting to see how my body weight is reacting to different amounts of food, liquid and exercise and what the response time is. One thing that hasn't changed much - exercise still increases my appetite!