Scale addiction ???
Ok guys so I have joked and laughed about joining scale addictions anonymous before, but I am really beginning to think I have a problem, so I need some advice. How do you guys who own a scale at home stay off of it for a week at a time? I am really questioning if my weighing myself so many times a day is becoming an addiction...Here's why. Earlier this week, as many of you know, I started taking Jazzercise classes. I did it to help build muscle but overall to help me get healthier quicker, and I am loving it so far. So anyway, I went to my first night of class, and I woke up that next morning around 4am and looked at the clock to see if it was atleast 6am so I could get up and go get on the scale to see if I'd lost any more weight. What in tha world?? So this morning I was talking to a client at work about my surgery and she was preaching at me about how often I weigh and as I shared with her I thought oh my goodness, she's right, I am trading my love for food into my desire to be thin. And although weight loss is my goal I am wondering if I've taken it to an extreme. As others have mentioned on this board, when I had this surgery, knowing myself the way I do I was more worried about the possibility that once I started losing the weight, I would desire it so much that I'd have problems eating at all...just not wanting to gain weight or stop the loss. And although being honest, I do struggle with that from time to time, I am now worried about how many times a day I step on the scale and the impact that might be having on what I chose to eat for my next meal. So, how do you keep yourselves from getting on the scale more than once a week? And if any of you share my struggles, please share...
Hey Lori:
I don't have any advice for you but I did want to let you know that I too need to join scale addition anonymous at times. For about two weeks I was able to go an entire week with out weighing but those days are long past! I don't think it is anything to worry about right now. This is just the beginning of our weight loss journey and I think it is normal to be excited about our loss and wanting to see the scale move DOWN everyday. How often in th past have we seen this kind of weight loss? And the loss will not be this easy or rapid for every and I think once the newness has worn off and our loss stabilizes, it will be much easier to weigh less often. I wake up most mornings and that is the first thing on my mind. I actually weigh sometimes when I get up, then after I go to the bathroom, after I shower and have dried off, and then when I get home to see how much more I weigh in the afternoons than I do in the morning. Then there are days when I don't think about it at all.
And I dare say that a large majority of WLS patients weigh more than once a day...especially during the honeymoon period.

lol........I feel your pain. I too am addicted, but I have 2 scales which of course weigh different so I weigh on both scales and both moring and night. I know.....crazy. To top it off, I weighed myself with clothes on before going to the Dr. this morning to see what the difference, if any, there was between the shhhh (3 scales). Guess what.....the scale that means the most (the Drs.) weighed the least giving me a 41.5# loss for my 3 mo. visit. I don't think I could not go a week without my buddies, but maybe we should start a scale challenge and see how we do with each other's support. Any suggestions????
I just bought one of those tanita scales, and it says that the most accurate time to weigh is before your evening meal. Ideally three hours after getting up in the morning, eating or exercising. The scale shows total body water and you won't get an accurate reading first thing in the a.m. because your body has been on "fast" all night, and will be dehydrated. I, too, am addicted. I noticed that if I weigh in the morning, my body fat is higher and my water is lower. In the evening it's the opposite. They also say that you should take your numbers everyday at the same time for a week and then average the numbers for an accurate count. I agree, I think I have transferred my food addiction to a scale addiction. I guess it could be a lot worse!

I have done that in the past too Lori. I caught myself doing it again one week and noticed how displeased I was with the results. It was so strange. Monday is my weigh in. During the week, my weight would fluctuate and affect my mood but by Monday, it always dropped. Weird.
I realized that it was affecting my mood and put a note on the scale that weigh in was Monday. I had to remove the tape and note to see my weight. It worked for me. But I had already decided that if I couldn't stay off the scale, I would get rid of it because I was not going to allow my mood to be affected by my weight. After all, I am doing what I am supposed to be to be healthy. I will lose at the rate my body loses.
At first it was hard to pass the scale up but then reality set in and it gained its rightful position of once a week. I am so much happier weighing in just once a week.
Hi - I must me the only wls person that does not weigh themselves everyday.
I really only weigh myself on monday mornings. I know why - if I don't like what I see I will get annoyed and put myself in a bad mood all day. I can't put myself and my family thru that misery everyday. I only hope that the scale keeps moving down on mondays, otherwise I'm in trouble.