I got "OUTED"!
Welllllll, went to a family function today with my stepdad's family and several people wanted to know how I was losing weight. I did my typical cop-out answers: low carb, portion control, no sugar, etc. Then as I was leaving my step-grandmother said "So did you have a gastric bypass or one of those band things?" I answered her question and she told me that she was happy for me and proud that I had done that. It was a surreal moment since I have told NONE of my family outside of my mom and husband. I just smiled at her and said thanks and that I am really happy, although it has been a lot of hard work... and left!
To make it more awkward, I teach with my step-cousin, whose real aunt sees her every week at church and was there to witness the comment of my step-grandma! So, now I know that everyone at work will know too!
LOL! I feel like I am back in high school!!!

Aww mannnnn. I had to laugh when I read this because I'm sure it was an awkward moment. I mean, how do you answer a question like that??? Leave it to a Grandma to come out and point blank ask the question. Makes me miss my Grandma.
You'll be fine...I look at it this way, everything that happens, happens for a reason.

Oh Goodness, Grandma is up on the times, I will give her that. But it really stinks when you are put into a corner like that. She was well meaning I am sure, but still make it awkward for ya.
My mom "outed" me. I told her that I wanted to keep it to myself and not share with people outside my immediate family, and then I was getting my hair cut by one of her close friends, and she mentions that I look really good, and how to I feel after the surgery. OOPS!! My mom doesn't even know who she told and who she hasn't, so now, I can't lie anymore.
Hang in there,

(deactivated member)
on 4/30/07 9:10 am - Channahon, IL
on 4/30/07 9:10 am - Channahon, IL
There is a woman at my work who had the band done and she wouldn't tell anyone about it except everyone totally knows. A lot of people made fun of her for it so when I decided to do the surgery I was so honest and open about it. I had a last lunch with all of my good friends in the office. I am not a good fibber so I just "came out" myself.
Good luck you have nothing to be ashamed of; you are doing great!
I have told most people who ask, but I know how you feel when you don't want certain people to know. Yesterday at church, our pastor came up to me (and his voice really carries) - "Marilyn you look great, how much weight have you lost?" I tried to tell him quietly about 55 pounds. He then proceeds to ask, "How did you do it?"
Now I have told most of the people who see me everyday but what do you say when your pastor is asking you right there in church? So I said "I had surgery" then he said applogetically, "Oh, I didn't even know". I felt like maybe he misunderstood, so I said (again quietly) - weight loss surgery.
I felt like everyone near by was listening. They probably were not, but it was a bit embarrassing. Later I asked my husband, what was I suppossed to say - he just put me on the spot and I was not ready for it.
Anyway, I'm no one cares about what I do as much as I think they do