Getting sick a lot after eating...
I hope your doc can help! Sounds like a lot of people have had something similar. I definitely have had air get stuck in my throat, like Rich mentioned, but only ever threw up once from that. I hope it gets figured out and taken care of soon. Sorry!
This post is really interesting to me, because of the info on drainage. I have been getting nauseous when I eat lately and have had a decreased appetite. I wonder if it is drainage from my sinus infection? I also cannot eat as much as I normally would, which would be consistent with the drainage thing. It makes sense. I am going to try something for drainage and see if it turns my recent problems around. It would be great if yours is that simple!

I spoke to my surgeon's nurse. She says this is a really bad allergy season, and explained to me that it could be something like what Richard explained. (Thank you Richard!) She says to dry and drink more hot liquids to break up the drainage.
Soooo, even though I am not a big fan of hot liquids or coffee, I do like cappuccino, and there is a really yummy French Vanilla kind that is sugarfree. I forget the brand, but it comes in a little triangle-shaped tin, and I've been drinking that stuff a couple times a day. I can't tell whether it's helped or not yet.
I really hope that explains it. But my next dr visit is May 7th, so if nothing gets better, I will ask about the stricture business then. THANK YOU everyone that replied. I'm glad to know I'm not alone. =)
Hi everybody,
This is the first time I have ventured into this message board. But I am SOOOOOO glad I did. There has to be something to this drainage thing other than just a bad allergy season. I have had bad allergies for most of my adult life. NEVER have I had this much mucus draining, especially in the morning. I don't want to be too gross, but it is so thick in the mornings I feel like I am choking until I can get it up. Then all during the day, I am hacking and blowing. I take Zyrtec and use a steriod nose spray, but nothing seems to be helping. And I too have had really bad nausea ever since my surgery. I have had two dilatations, but it really didn't seem to help any. I just had one on Thursday of this week, and every time I have eaten, I get really nauseated. Hence, I am eating very little protein, because that is what makes me sick. I can eat other things (that are not good for me) but when I try to eat meat, or cheese, or any of the protein supplements, I get sick. I'm thrilled with the weight loss (66 pounds) but I have had a couple of stalls already, and today, I had gained two pounds. Go figure.
Sorry for the long dissertation.
Anyway, that's my story.......and I'm sticking to it!

Here's how my doctor explained it:
If you've had RNY surgery, obviously your pouch is much smaller than your regular stomach would have been. So, when drainage from your head/sinuses trickles down into the pouch, it fills up with the mucous much quicker, and it makes you feel like you're full. So when you eat something, there's no room for it, and it just wont go down. Thus, why my doc tells me to drink hot liquids. It flushes the mucous out of the pouch, which allows food to digest. I can say this much, it has helped me.
I also have been making extra efforts to eat slower. I know that I am guilty of eating too fast sometimes (I am either a glutton for punishment or I am always so busy busy!).