Does anyone else feel like a liar?
I TOTALLY can relate to what you're saying...
There is no one in my family with an obesity problem- so I know mine is not hereditary. I really wish I could have lost the weight on my own- I take that back- I could always lose weight- I just never kept it off for any length of time and always gained back more. I have some shame issues too- but i'm working on them.
ALSO- I didn't gain my weight until after the triplets were born- is that the same for you?
I feel really lucky because my best friend had the surgery in May last year and I had mine in January and she's really open and I've picked that up from her, so I don't try to hide the fact that I had the surgery... I figure if someone meets me and hears that I had it, it may inspire them to take the same step in their own life... BUT I will add, that my best friend's boyfriends cousin used to hang out with us all the time... and he knows fully well about both our surgeries and it may not just be the surgery, because we have decided he has some serious anger issues he needs to take care of, but a big part of his lashing out at all of his friends was when he got onto the subject of our surgeries... he was a chubby kid and lost weight in puberty and criticized she and I both for being lazy and fat and taking the 'easy way out' and made comments like 'how hard was it to lay on your back?' so... needless to say, we don't associate with him at all anymore.... if anyone has a problem with my surgery, I just remind myself that unless they have been thru the surgery themselves and know first hand what you go thru for the surgery, they have no business criticizing me for it... and no one that has had the surgery would be ignorant enough to do that...
I do not feel like we are liars at all. i paid for this surgery and I just think its my business and no one elses. Like the lady from the view said how i lost my weight isnt important its that I did lose the weight that is important. If the want to know how I lost it i say low fat low carb and exercise. So really where did I lie at. I didn't I just omited I had a little devise added inside me called a lap-band. I even went as far at to tell the people i work for that I was having gall bladder surgery to get the time off work. When I did get the gall bladder out in Dec I went back to work right away so I could use that "lie" in March to kep my deep dark secret.