FUMING...Wanna know Why???
I was chatting with a friend of mine that I hadn't seen in about 6 months and she was telling me how great I looked and how "proud of me she was that I am taking better care of my appearance"
. I told her that I was one of the lucky people that found and was covered for WLS. She looked at me, rolled her eyes, and said
I was so upset at her. I still am. How ignorant and rude. She is one of those naturally skinny people that never exercises and eats whatever she wants. I never dogged her for that, yet she finds my methods of WL repulsive.
I kindly reminded her of the fact that she has never been in my shoes and that I never judged her based on her decisions. She told me that she just thinks WLS is the LAZY WAY OUT!!!!!!! To which point, I told her where to stick it and left the resturant, sticking her with the check.....
Just had to share this bit of ignorance with you all. Anyone come across people like this?
Loving my 54lbs weight loss

Hi Crystal -
I'm so sorry that you had to deal w/ that. I know that it is very hurtful when someone says those words " wls is the easy way out". Those people are so clueless and uneducated. I have not had to deal w/ that situation yet..... I'm afraid to tell people just because of that reason and to tell you the truth.... no one has even commented on my 70 pound weightloss. I just get strange looks or people just look and not say anything. People think that it is so easy because the weight loss is soooo fast. It's not easy - do they live with us and see the ins and outs of our daily living ? They fail to realize that this is life long committment - just as losing weight the"real" way is. We need to eat and maintain this way of eating and excersiing for the rest of our lives - or just like eveyone else we can gain it back. I'm sorry to ramble - but just like you, people like that really tick me off. I have a sister that said to me " why could'nt you just eat this way b/4 - where was your self control b/4" she is so clueless.... and has been thin since the day she was born. They just don't get it.
I guess that this just something else we will have to deal with because we had the surgery. Just keep taking that calcium because your shoulders need to strong to carry all the reactions your gonna get from people.
Keep up the great work....
if anyone ever says that to me Im gonna punch 'em!!! This is the HARDEST thing I have ever done. Starting with making the decision to have a major surgery in order to accomplish something I could never accomplish before. Then I had to leave my kids for 9 dqays, fly to a foreign country and get cut wide open. And that was the easy part. LOL Now I struggle with am I eating too much..am i not eating enough...am i ever gonna get to goal..is my skin gonna sag...is my hair gonna fall out...oh no I forgot my vitamins... You get the picture. Not easy no matter how you look at it. I hate it when skinny people think you can just "push away from the table" and lose weight. Not everybody can do that. Take it witha grain of salt tho. Small minded people could never understand. Keep up the good fight!!
Hi Crystal: I just wanted to pop in and say ditto to what the other posters said. We all know that is not the easy way out. We can't control what other ppl think or how they react to our wls decision. Just continue to know that we have all been blessed with an opportunity to get healthy and that God is in control. Don't let ppl with small minds get to you, just continue to realize that even when ppl don't understand something like wls, they will make stupid comments and not think about the effect it has on the person they are speaking to. Congrats on your 54 lb weight loss!!

I know how you feel!
My neighbor said Oh your gonna be so pretty and so skinny....then we can go party!
I told her I rather party with people that thought I was cool and pretty when I was fat and stuck with me through thick and thin!
And haven't talked to her since!
Good for you! And let her know being naturally thin is the easy way...they don't have to worry about it... U don't need friends that judge by stuff like that!
Crystal, I just wanted to give you a (((((hug))))) uuugh people are so dense sometimes. I ditto what everyone else is saying. Luckily I have not had that reaction from anyone that I have come across. I say to heck with these small minded people they have no idea what we go through daily. It is anything but easy.
Love ya,
I TOTALLY KNOW HOW YOU FEEL!!! my best friend also had the surgery and her boyfriend's cousin started venting one night and cut down every single one of his family members/friends... in the process he mentioned the surgeries that we had and asked me 'how hard was it to just lay on your back in the hospital?' I refrained from 'going off' on him because I really wanted to rip him a new one
, but my best friend was as offended as I was when I shared the comments he made with her and she passed the info along to her boyfriend and happily he took our side and none of us associate with this cousin anymore.... and it will stay that way unless he decides to get some anger help and apologizes for his actions and ignorance!