Monday Morning Weight In!
Inches vs scale..... seems I'm loosing in inches while the scale isn't moving this 3rd month post op. I only lost 8 lbs this month. Boy oh Boy do us post opers get impatient!!!! Went from size24/26 to 16/18 in 3 months.
Highest weight - 249
Surgery weight - 249
Today 3mo post op - 190
Take care and keep on truckin' everyone. That is... in the direction of your dreams.
I missed last week, but my highest weight was 255 right before surgery and this morning I was 207!!! I'm getting really anxious to see the day that the first number on that scale is a 1 insted of a 2!! oh, and my size 16 pants that I got from my best friend who had the surgery too are already getting loose... I may be able to squeeze into a 14 soon... I've NEVER been that size unless it was when I was in like Jr. High or something!!!