Question about sugar content
This has come up a couple times during discussion, but I just had to ask again for comparison's sake, just to see how wide the spectrum is. How many maximum grams of sugar (per serving) does your doctor/nutritionist limit you to?
My doc says 5 grams max.
[Disclaimer: This thread is in no way meant to encourage anyone to defy their doctor's orders. It is merely for curiosity.

I was told that everyone has a different thresh hold and that it is variable from person to person. My program doesn't give you a gram amount that is considered appropriate, they just advise if sugar (in its different forms) in listed in the first 4 ingredients, don't eat it. The exceptions are natural sugars from 100% fruit juice or milk.
Hi Cathryn: My "owners manual" says that I should not eat foods with added sugars, or if an item has certain sugars listed as the first 3 ingredients in it. There is a long list of sugars in the book. And it also says that all items should contain fewer than 18 grams of sugar person serving to prevent dumping. But I to stay below 5-10 grams per serving right now just because I want to take full advantage of this honey moon period.