How do you feel...?
For me, immediately after swallowing something that does not agree with my pouch I begin hearing loud noises from my gut. It'll be followed by pain, and will end up with me begging for it to come up as well. It's an awful feeling. I have also had some "ate too fast" episodes where the food gets stuck, and it feels like it's just beyond my throat and if it doesn't go down soon it'll have to come up because breathing gets scary. For some reason the further I get from surgery the more this has been happening. I am trying to be more careful eating slowly, but the better I feel the easier it is for me to try to slip back into that old "eating fast" habit...especially if I'm talking or comfortable while I'm eating.
Hi Belle,
For me, eating something that doesn't agree with my pouch generally just feels "wrong". I get a strong feeling that I better not take another bite or I will pay for it! LOL! I have not had bouts of vomiting because of it though, or anything else for that matter. I have experienced two episodes of dumping, one was mild, the second was vicious

Thanks for sharing ladies. Everything has seemed to agree with me (other than dairy initially). I had one episode where I think something got stuck (a fried egg), but otherwise I have been pretty lucky.
The reason why I ask is that I some Ritter's sugar free ice cream yesterday and it was the strangest thing. It just would not go down. I felt really yucky and then ended up throwing it up. I did not eat too much, perhaps a fourth a cup. I was curious if this is what people mean by things not agreeing with their pouches/new systems and I am guessing it is. Although, I still cannot figure out why this caused such a problem, because I eat lo-carb ice cream several times a week. hmmmm....
Belle, sorry I am posting after the fact. But I have about the same reaction to some things as you. I had some low carb and sugar free ice cream yesterday.....the first ice cream I have had since surgery. Man about 5 minutes after I finished I started feeling sick to my pouch. A very yucky feeling that mad me say wow I won't be eating that again.