trying new foods
Is anyone still afraid to try new foods?
I just tried salad tonight and wow was it good- and no problems!!!
I still struggle with chicken- I think it's too dry.
After I eat something I know immediately if it sits well or not- I've only thrown-up once- but some foods are a lot more comfortable in the tummy than others.
Hey Holly...
I am terrified to try a salad for some crazy reason. I can eat a tiny portion of lettuce, but it has to be worthless iceburg lettuce
! I tried a bite of mixed baby greens early out on solids and it tasted strange. I am going to get brave one of these days soon and try a small salad...I really miss them.
Chicken and I get along sometimes. It really depends how it is cooked. I can eat it in a South Beach Diet meal, but if I cook way!! I don't get sick or throw up...the grouchy pouchy just lets me know that it's not happy with my choice of protein

Hi Holly -
I have recently rediscovered salad as well..... I was scared at first, but not anymore.It tastes so good. I have decided to really try any food and see what happens. I still have yet to try pasta and rice and reg. bread. My doctor said to try these, but I'm still to scared. I actually tried reg. pizza and got 3/4 thru 1 slice and had to stop, it was real filling. Has anyone tried dessert foods? Cakes or anything of that sort? I'm still way to chicken to try......
Hi Holly-
I started salad about a month ago. yummmmy! You should give the Wishbone Salad Spritzes a try. French is my favorite!
I am not afraid of new foods anymore. I don't know whether it is good or bad, but everything seems to go down just fine. The only time I feel yucky is when I am not cautious with my portions and I overeat. Then I feel gross!
I am with Isabella. I can pretty much tolerate most of the foods I have tried. During my soft foods stage I had rice a few times but I have stayed away from alot of carbs since that early stage. No bread, pasta, rice or potatoes for me at this time. I have not tried any sweets either..other than gum balls and not the sugar free ones! They are so good to me!! I have had about 5 or 6 since I had the surgery. I love gum balls!! lol They ahve about 5 grams of sugar per serving so...that's my treat. I did want something crunchy and tried skins or pork rinds last week...but they fill my pouch up too quickly and made me feel ugh! I eat salads all the time now. And have been for at least 3 weeks. Love them!