No one has said a word
OUCH!!! I love it when people notice!!!
Some people don't feel comfortable commenting on weight/appearance issues. I'm sure everyone notices- but just don't know what to say. Maybe with that fast of a loss and them not knowing you had surgery- they could be afraid you're sick?
You are doing fabulous!!!
Keep up the great work!!!
I am sorry! I am 11 weeks out and down 50 pounds as of today and not many people have said anything... of course I am only down from a size 28 to a size 22 with about 80 pounds left to go. I cannot imagine that your loss is not significantly noticable! Mine is not yet. Only the few people that know I had surgery are the ones who comment, and I think they are just trying to be supportive! Sorry! I an sure you can see a huge change and that is what matters!
I hear ya !!!!! I have lost 66 pounds since the last week in December..... and no one has said a word either. I can't figure it out myself. I went from a 24 pant to a 16 and 26/28 top to an 18. I know I look different but no one has said a word..... except my kids and hubby.... and I guess they count the most.
Keep up the good work - 59 pounds is alot of weight - I'm sure you look great.

Hey Lea Ann! You are doing awesome!! And I agree with the other posters in that ppl just don't like to talk about weight loss/gain in other ppl because they dont know if the reason. I told and still tell everyone who will listen that I had RNY and I get lots of comments, even when I had only lost 10 lbs, and I think it is because I talk so openly about my surgery and they are expecting me to be losing and know that I dont mind talking about it so they will chat me to death...some times to the point of me wanting to scream if I am called skinny minny one more time and I am no where near skinny!! I know they mean well, but some I feel your pain but just on the opposite side of the spectrum. Losing almost 60 pounds is definitely noticable..I just think they dont know how to start that conversation. Keep up the good work!!

I understand your frustration Lee Ann. I'm 9 weeks out, down about 52 lbs. I've gone from a 30/32 to a 26 pant. The only people that I told were my best friends and my family (of course). Other than that, no one has said they noticed except two co-workers. The one co-worker that I told I had the surgery said she could really tell in my face, my neck, my shoulders... pretty much my upper body. My mom told me the same thing. Well her words were.... "You look really good up top... now if we can work on that bottom... those hips and thighs". Initially I was a little frustrated. I was like man, I've lost 50 lbs. But I have to remember that I started this journey over 350 lbs, so while 50lbs is a lot, I was really big before. It is going to take something really drastic for some people to notice. Then I realize, some people notice, but just don't say anything b.c they are afraid they might say something inappropriate or they just want to hate and not congratulate us on loosing weight. Either way, you're doing a GREAT job. Continue doing what you're doing and eventually you'll look so good, people will have to open their mouth!
Well, I think everyone looks FABULOUS!!!
You and I are about the same size. I went from a 22 to a 14 as well and I notice that some people look at me and smile, like they see a difference, but don't comment.
I think it is true that people are afraid they will say something incorrect. Unfortunately, in this society people are soooo afraid of being politically incorrect that they just keep there mouth shut.
Hang in there, they will have no choice but to say something when you are knocking thier socks off on the beach.