Please everyone tell me an example of what u eat daily. like a list of your daily meals. i need some help. I just left the er for naseau and vomitting. i have been having a rough time emmotionally with the surgery as well. second thoughts. feeling like im eating too much when im not. i need snack ideas as well. i dont know my total weight loss yet. i was at 40 lbs 1 month out but will be 2 months out wednesday and dont go to the dr for a week or so. I need a motivational buddy!
Hey Girl! You know we are all here to support you through this journey!! Dont be discouraged. Here is an example of what I had to eat today...
Breakfast two slices of bacon and 1 scrambled egg with cheese
Lunch egg salad, about 4 oz
Dinner Baked Pork Chop (about 4 oz) and a salad with ranch dressing and cheese (about 1 oz)
I also had a protein shake when I first got up...I only mix my shakes with water right now cause I am trying to do high protein and low it limits what I can have in my shakes
One good way to track your calories and protein intake is on surgeon recommends that I eat around 1000 calories a day..and this lets me see how I am doing..even when I think I am eating way too much. I rarely get to 1000 calories. You also should concentrate on your protein intake and also measure your food before you eat it...That is something I don't do as often as I should but I am working on it. Feel free to email me whenever you need some motivation!!
Also, have you started to work out yet? That is a great spirit least the quitting part is a good spirit lifter for me!! lol

Hi there,
keep your chin up and think positive. I had my surgery Jan 16th and I have had nothing but problems ever since. I have been in the hospital 4 times since surgery. I have been scoped 3 times. Idon't eat much. today I had 1/4 of a scrambled egg for breakfast. for lunch I had 1/2 cup of broth, and for dinner I had 4 small pieces of shrimp. that is all thart fits in my pouch. I can eat a little more if I wait 5 minutes between bites but that is hard to do. I take it one day at a time some days are better than others. If I were you I would call your doctor and not wait untill next week. I got yelled at by my surgen for waiting and that is how I ended back in the hospital for 3 days. feel free tol ask any questions and remember you are not alone.
Hi Okemi,
I usually eat something like the following:
B: scrambled egg w/ cheese and salsa, or 1/4 cup cottage cheese w/ diced pear, or 1/2 packet of weight control oatmeal, or 2 strips of bacon and 1 overeasy egg
L: 2 tbsp. tuna salad on 3 Ritz or whole wheat crackers, or 1/4 cup cottage cheese w/ diced fruit of some kind, or 1/2 South Beach Diet meal, or soup of some kind
D: 1/2 chicken breast cooked very tender and some steamed veggies, or 1/4 to 1/2 cup of whatever kind of protein the family is eating and some of the veggies they are having, or 1/2 South Beach Diet meal, or soup of some kind
S: string cheese, or Trader Joe's Soy Crisps, or 1/3 cup applesauce w/ cinnamon, or South Beach Diet Protein bar, or 2 tbsp. cashews, sf popsicle or sf fudgesicle
I also take in one 42 grams protein vial each day, and at least 60 ounces of water(usually more). Sometimes I will have hot green or peppermint tea for a snack, or diet hot chocolate. I hope that some of this helps...I do eat more variety than this list but I am not sure how much "regular" food your upset pouchy can take. Just keep coming back and asking for more ideas if you need them!!
p.s. congratulations on 40# lost in the first month...that is fabulous!!!

At one point I feel like I was trying to eat too much too, but I believe your pouch will let you know when you are full. I just eat slowly, and I measure my food to start with. Please note that all these things I eat in moderation.
- Salads with cheese and diced deli meats or grilled chicken (as long as it's moist)
- Shrimp with a little bit of ****tail sauce
- Cheese cubes or string cheese (protein snack!)
- Al Fresco apple chicken sausage (Shish-kabob style, with onion & mushroom)
- Carnation Instant Breakfast (No sugar added)
- Baked chicken with bbq dry rub
- Atkins protein bars & breakfast bars - found at Walmart - all kinds of chocolate flavors
(Just make sure you get the ones that are low in sugar. Not the "Indulge" ones.)
- Lite-n-Fit yogurt
- Tilapia fish with Premium Select brand tartar sauce from Kroger (has no sugar)
- Hormel chili in a can with cheese
- Chicken cordon bleu (homemade)
- Tuna salad made with lite mayo and dill relish
- White chicken chili with sour cream & cheese
- Taco salad (sometimes this gets hard to chew, to be honest) without tortilla chips
- Chicken salad
- Egg salads (but lately I can't tolerate mustard very well for some reason)
- Deviled eggs (also contains mustard)
- Meatloaf (gets hard to chew as well) with low-carb ketchup
- Ham-n-cheese loaf lunch meat diced up into cubes
- Grapes for snack (I can usually eat about 7-10)
- Turkey with a little bit of gravy to keep it moist
Hey - 40 lbs in one month is awesome! Really even if I only lost 5-10 lbs the next month, that would still be 50 lbs in 2 months. You can't beat that.
I eat a lot of salads with meats and cheeses on it, scrabled eggs, chili, soups. I love the South Beach diet wraps. I snack on cheese and crackers, beef jerkey and protein bars.
Hope that helps!
I eat a dannon light n fit with a scoop of protein for breakfast every morning
For lunch and dinner i eat protein... chicken, steak, salmon, tuna fish, shrimp, ill have lettuce.. baby romaine occassionally, chili, turkey meatball, smart ones - usually just the meat and maybe some veggies if i am still able to eat, cheese stick, red peppers, squash, zuccini, eggplant, beans, occassionally i will have half of a low carb tortilla to mix things up depending on what i make.
I am told by my nutritionist not to eat snacks. If i feel i need a boost once in awhile i will have a cheese stick.
At this point i am 8 weeks out and have lost 38 pounds.
I feel alot of the times that i am eating more than i should.... just follow your doc's rules ... you have lost 40 pds in the first month... that is just awesome! Congrats! Talk to your doctor and nut when ya see them... good luck!