MultiVitamins and Calcium with Vitamin D
Hi everyone,
I wanted to tell everyone about my new find on Vitamins. I have been taking the Children's chewable Flinstones, because the Centrum adults tasted really bad to me. The Children's doesn't taste a whole lot better to me, but has some flavor.
I had not been taking my Calcium Citrate (that I bought two large bottles of) because it made my stomach too upset and I had to have like 3-4 to get my daily intake.
Well, I have found my solution:
L'il Critters Groovy Calcium Gummy Bears with Vitamin D. 60 Sours in a bottle for $5.99. A little pricey, but worth it for being able to get my calcium in. You will want to eat more than you need they are so good.
1 Gummy =
Calories 15
Vitamin D 200IU
Calcium 200mg (which means I have to take like 5 a day)
Phosphorus 100mg
Sodium 10 mg
Two new multivitamins:
L'il Critters Gummy Vites - 70 Gummy Bears for $5.99
Flinstones Sour Gummies - 60 for $4.99
Adults need 4 a day. Both taste really good, no after taste. Just don't stick your nose in the bottle.
The regular chewables made my breath stink really bad in the mornings.
Hi Lindy -
Are the gummy calcium bites - calcium carbonate or calcium citrate? I have no problems w/ any other of my vitamins - just the calcium. My Nut. told me that I have to take citrate - due to the way we are now re arranged inside - the carbonate does not get absorbed as well as the citrate. So I've been taking the citrical creamy bites - they come in carmel, lemon and chocolate. The problem is that i"m sick of them. i wish I could take calcium in a pill, but they are either too big or you have to take a ton of them to = 1500. So I was wondering if the gummies were citrate, beacuse I would love to try something else.
Hi Stephanie, I take the creamy bites also, but just wanted to let you know when you are watching your calorie intake these little babies have 35 calories each so if you have to take 4 a day thats a total of 140 extra calories a day. So I take them any way
and jus****ch my calories for the rest of the day. But I understand some people don****ch their calorie intake, just wanted to give a little FYI...... Mz.Willie

Thanks Mz Willie! I only take two a day...and I noticed that they also have 5 carbs!! UGH! That is why they taste so good!! lol hopefully when I finish this first box I will have found a pill I can take that does not make me so sick. I track my calories and carbs on fit day and try to stay below 20 grams of carbs a day and 1000 calories. Most days I stay below 20 grams of carbs..and way below the 1000 calories. So I can take the 35 cal but not the carbs if I had to have four a day....
You know, I am not sure, here is the website of the nutritional facts: