Pouch stretching
Ok, so I have a question for everyone on here. My Dr. teaches in his seminars that the incidence of pouch stretching after RNY gastric bypass is less than 1%. Namely because the part of the stomach that is used to form the pouch is the least elastic of the stomach. He also says that research shows that instead of the pouch stretching, your intestines will sometimes begin to stretch over time. I asked this question not because I plan to stretch my pouch or my instestines (pinky swear) but becuase I see people on the OH boards concerned about food "stretching" their pouch, so I am just curious. What has your Dr. told you about stretching?
My doctor has mentioned that it happens a little bit (naturally) over time. He says immediately pre-op a person's pouch holds about 2 tablespoons, but after a year it increases to over a half cup.
From what I've heard from someone I know that has had RNY, she says her pouch has stretched to nearly normal stomach size now, and she's about 6-7 years post-op.
That makes me sad. But then again, she really doesn't take normal precautions anymore, and she eats whatever she wants.

(deactivated member)
on 3/21/07 9:33 am - Channahon, IL
on 3/21/07 9:33 am - Channahon, IL
My doctor has not really talked about that but I am adding that to my list for my April visit. I know I can eat 2/3 a cup now where in the beginning I could only eat 1/2. I wonder if anyone else is like that.
My doctor's office information says to try not to vomit because this causes the pouch to stretch. They also say drinking water with your food causes the stomach to stretch.
Your information is interesting. I hope that is true for us. The day I was having my surgery, there was another patient in the holding area beside me. She had had the RNY and she had gained all of her wait back, plus some. She said her pouch had stretched back out and now she is only a candidate for LapBand. (She did have a child in between there, but didn't blame it on that). She didn't say if she ever got to goal either. I just know that I don't ever want to have to have another device to control my eating. So I sure hope that 1% is accurate for me.
Wow, I hope that is true. I was told that at a year out you will be able to eat a cup. At this time I can only eat 1/2 cup and am really going to try to keep it at that. I have a hard time not drinking while eating and waiting a full hour after eating to drink So I really hope that drinking water just after you eat won't stretch your pouch. I was just told not to do it because it washes the food out of your pouch too soon and you will be hungry.
My surgeon really drills this home. He has over 20 years experience in WLS, and a high rate of successful patients.
If you want this surgery to work for you, you must do what is necessary not to stretch your pouch. Do not drink carbonated beverages. Do not drink 30 min. before, after or with your meals. Eat only one small bite every 10 min., and chew, chew, chew. Inbetween times sip liquids. Add new choices slowly. It's not how much you "can" eat, but how much you choose to eat. I will not eat more than 1/2 cup at a time no matter how long it has been.
It makes sense to me and I am following it to the "T". The more the pouch stretches the more you will be able to put in since you will be hungry. I choose not to go there and encourage those of you who want this to work to consider this also.
So far, I haven't had any problems at all and I am thrilled with my WLS. I am calm and satisfied for the first time in my life. I am 61 years old, and 7 weeks out. My BMI was in the 70's at the time of my surgery. I've lost 31 lbs. Today I started water aerobics to help the weight loss along.
I wish you all the best,
Hi Lori!
Newer info and updated surgery methods have changed. A lot does depend on the surgeon and how they do the surgery. Years ago the surgery made the pouch out of the fundus (sp) part of the stomach that stretches. Now the surgery is done and does not use that part of the stomach to make the pouch.
Again, a lot depends on the surgeon. But the pouch shouldn't really stretch. Drinking with meals will promote the opening at the bottom of the pouch to relax and stretch however. Over time the pouch will process food more quickly and tolerate more. If you overstretch the opening, you can intake more food because the pouch no longer gets full so you overeat. Chewing small pencil eraser sized bites and not drinking 30 minutes before or 30 minutes after a meal and eating 3 meals a day is supposed to be the best way to prevent that stretching of the opening to your intestines.
Since it is dependent on the surgeon, the best advice is to follow what the doctor says to do. My surgeon maintains that you can regain some weight if you do not follow proper pouch rules but that you will not gain it all. But who wants to regain. Compliance is the key to success.
I had my checkup on Friday. Monday will be 8 weeks and I am down more than 60 pounds. Woo Hoo.