So wake up, board!
In a lame attempt to keep the conversation alive around here, I decided to post a survey. You know, the dumb Myspace type that gives people a good reason to talk about themselves? Well I thought it would be fun. So I'll start. Copy and paste what I've typed below and fill in your own answers. (You don't have to answer everything.
Just answer what you want!)
First Name: Cathryn
Nickname/Secret Identity: Cathrynsrealm on ObesityHelp
Height: 5' 5"
Hair Color (natural): Blonde
Eye Color: Blue
What time is it? 7:21 pm
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? Tooo many times!
Broken a bone? My ankle & tailbone
Been onstage? A few times, piano recitals and such
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Yep
Been to a funeral? Yeah
Been to a wedding? Yep
Been in love? Very much so.
Sang in public? Does Christmas caroling count?
Are you in school? No
Do you work? Yes
What grade? ---
What classes do you take? ---
Which do you like the most? ---
Which do you hate the most? ---
What do you do? Graphic designer
Best part: Getting paid!
Worst part: Getting up early & meeting deadlines
Song: October by Evanescence
Movie: Rose Red (based on the book my Stephen King)
Band(s): Evanescence! (I am a fan in the worst way!)
Food: It used to be chocolate! But nowadays... it's everything I'm not allowed!
Word: Antidisestablishmentarianism
Color: Purple or green
Hobby: Playing online or drawing
TV Show: House MD
Place: the Pacific Northwest United States
Number: 8
Sport: Soccer probably... I used to play in school.
Holiday: Halloween
Language: English perhaps?
Chocolate/Vanilla: Don't tempt me.
Email/Phone: Phone
Reading/Writing: Writing
Scary Movies/Comedies: Scary
Silver/Gold: Silver
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Greece or Italy
What mystical place would you like to go to? Valhalla
Who is your hero? Jared the Subway guy... LOL j/k
What's a strange belief that you have? NASA knows the truth about aliens.
What are you listening to? Creep by Radiohead
What is your pet peeve? People that park their buggies in the middle of the aisle at a grocery store, and people that pass me on the interstate just to be "in front" with no intention of going faster than me! Yeah, I'm a misanthropist.
What are you wearing? Grey t-shirt, green frog pajama bottoms
What shampoo do you use? Currently, Tresemme & Biolage conditioner
What are you afraid of? Dark water; sharks
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 7:37 pm

(deactivated member)
on 3/15/07 10:08 am - Channahon, IL
on 3/15/07 10:08 am - Channahon, IL
First Name: Guinn
Nickname/Secret Identity: none
Height: 5' 11"
Hair Color (natural): Dark Blonde
Eye Color: Green
What time is it? 6:53 pm
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? I like to consider it highlighting
Broken a bone? My ankle & leg
Been onstage? no
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Yes
Been to a funeral? a few
Been to a wedding? Yes
Been in love? yes and still am
Sang in public? not a chance!
Are you in school? No
Do you work? Yes
What grade? ---
What classes do you take? ---
Which do you like the most? ---
Which do you hate the most? ---
What do you do? Graphic designer too
Best part: a nice paycheck with amazing benefits
Worst part: the never ending "can you just do this for me, it will just take a second" which it never does!
Song: Son of a Preacher Man
Movie: Stand by Me
Band(s): No one in particular
Food: Chili
Word: Whatever
Color: Blue
Hobby: Reading
TV Show: Grey's Anatomy
Place: Anywhere down south
Number: 11
Sport: Football (have you seen the pants they wear!)
Holiday: Easter
Language: English
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
Email/Phone: Phone
Reading/Writing: Reading
Scary Movies/Comedies: Comedies
Silver/Gold: Silver
Where in the world would you like to go and why? London
What mystical place would you like to go to? Hogwarts
Who is your hero? My mom
What's a strange belief that you have? Electric, Gas and Cable Companies are in cohorts.
What are you listening to? Not Ready to Make Nice (Dixie Chicks)
What is your pet peeve? When I am am yelling at my husband and instead of arguing back he says "Are you done"
What are you wearing? Work Clothes because I am too lazy to change
What shampoo do you use? Pantene
What are you afraid of? Black Dogs (got bite by one)
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 7:06 pm
Great Idea Cathryn!! It has been very quiet around here lately!!
First Name: Stephanie
Nickname/Secret Identity: Cinnanmin *That's the name I use when I go out!!* Lol
Height: 5' 7"
Hair Color (natural): Brownish
Eye Color: Brown
What time is it? 8:53
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? only highlights
Broken a bone? nope, thank God!!
Been onstage? Yes
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Yes!!
Been to a funeral? Too many!!
Been to a wedding? always a bridesmaid,never a bride
Been in love? yes....*sighs*
Sang in public? Yes
Are you in school? No
Do you work? Yes,
What grade? ---
What classes do you take? ---
Which do you like the most? ---
Which do you hate the most? ---
What do you do? HR Coordinator
Best part: Getting to work with some many ppl and help solve their problems
Worst part: one of my co workers!! lol
Song: Lauren Hill, Tell Him I need Him
Movie: Imitation of Life
Band(s): not really into bands
Food: It used to be chocolate! But nowadays... it's everything I'm not allowed!
Word: dismemberment *I am really not twisted but I use it at work during insurance presentations and like to say it!
Color: Purple
Hobby: reading
TV Show: Plastic Surgery before and after
Place: any where peaceful
Number: 4
Sport: none
Holiday: My birthday!! lol
Language: Love hearing Spanish!
Chocolate/Vanilla: Vanilla
Email/Phone: both
Reading/Writing: Reading
Scary Movies/Comedies: Comedies
Silver/Gold: Gold
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Egypt...to see the pyramids
What mystical place would you like to go to? no idea
Who is your hero? my grandmother
What's a strange belief that you have? Tupuc is not dead
What are you listening to? Some police show on TV like cops but not cops
What is your pet peeve? People who chew on styrofoam cups UGH I don't like styrofoam
What are you wearing? Blue gown
What shampoo do you use? what ever my beautician uses
What are you afraid of? snakes
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 9:01 pm
First Name: Barbara...but I go by Denise
Nickname/Secret Identity: none
Height: 5' 2"
Hair Color (natural): brown
Eye Color: green/brown
What time is it? 9:40pm CST
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? yes
Broken a bone? My ankle
Been onstage? A few times...band concerts, award ceremonies in school, graduations
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Never!
Been to a funeral? unfortunately yes
Been to a wedding? Yep
Been in love? yes, and still am!
Sang in public? no way!
Are you in school? No
Do you work? not outside of the home
Song: Country Folks Can Survive...Hank Williams, Jr.
Movie: Shrek/Shrek 2
Band(s): DC Talk...Rascal Flatts...Eagles...Alabama
Food: Pizza...even though I can't have it anymore
Color: green
Hobby: reading...gardening...geneology
TV Show: Grey's Anatomy...Desperate Housewives...America's Next Top Model
Place: the South
Number: 14
Sport: NASCAR...College Football
Holiday: Christmas
Language: English...but need to learn Spanish, my husband speaks it and plans to teach our children and I don't want them speaking a language I can't understand!
Chocolate/Vanilla: chocolate...once upon a time
Email/Phone: Email
Reading/Writing: reading
Scary Movies/Comedies: comedies
Silver/Gold: gold
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Ireland/England...I'd like to see where my ancestors came from
What mystical place would you like to go to? Far Far Away
Who is your hero? my husband
What strange belief do you have? every bad driver in the world lives in my town
What are you listening to? the sound of bug****ting the back door
What is your pet peeve? People who "share" their music too much and people who pull out in front of you only to go 2 mph!!
What are you wearing? pink t-shirt, pink star/moon pajama bottoms
What shampoo do you use? Suave
What are you afraid of? fire
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 10:00 pm CST
Here's what I have to say....
First Name: Suzanne
Nickname/Secret Identity: Suzie
Height: 5' 6"
Hair Color (natural): Strawberry Blonde
Eye Color: Aqua, sometimes more greeen, sometimes more blue
What time is it? about midnight
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? Of couse!
Broken a bone? Never-knock on wood
Been onstage? Not by choice
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Not that I recall
Been to a funeral? Unfortunately
Been to a wedding? Many
Been in love? Several times...does "puppy love" count?
Sang in public? No way!!
Are you in school? Yes
Do you work? Not outside the home
What grade? Sophomore in college
What classes do you take? Pursuing nursing degree
Which do you like the most? I liked English Comp. & and currently Microbiology
Which do you hate the most? Algebra
What do you do? Take care of my family 24/7
Best part: Always being with my kids
Worst part: Always being with my kids~~he-he!
Song: Sailing by Christopher Cross (verrrryyy old)-does anyone but me remember that one?
Movie: Steel Magnolias
Band(s): Incubus, old No Doubt, old Green Day
Food: Since surgery...nothing, before surgery...Pepsi One
Word: fidelity
Color: Any shade of green
Hobby: home improvement projects/working in the yard
TV Show: CSI or any crime mystery show, especially on BBC
Place: Central California coast
Number: 5
Sport: At this time of year...Basketball (Sacramento Kings)
Holiday: Are there other holidays besides Halloween?
Language: I like hearing anything but boring English
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocoalte...but only if it's very dark
Email/Phone: Phone
Reading/Writing: Reading
Scary Movies/Comedies: Scary
Silver/Gold: Gold
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Everywhere & anywhere but here(California=yawn)
What mystical place would you like to go to? Stonehenge
Who is your hero? Whoever developed the RNY surgery
What's a strange belief that you have? That a marriage can last forever in today's world~I am beginning to wonder if anyone else believes in it anymore
What are you listening to? At the moment-Law & Order CI rerun
What is your pet peeve? People with with a lack of manners, and people who don't teach their children manners.
What are you wearing? Nothing~~ j/k! Black t-shirt & blue snowflake pj bottoms
What shampoo do you use? Suave Professionals Humectant-yeah I'm cheap
What are you afraid of? Needles going into MY muscles...anybody else I don't care, touching the bottom of a lake, pond, or river that I can't see the bottom of.
Are you left handed or right handed? Both...ambidexterous to a significant degree
What time is it now? about 12:30 am
So, there it is...better late than never!

First Name: Janie
Nickname/Secret Identity: oneplustwo @ OH
Height: 5'2"
Hair Color (natural): Brown
Eye Color: Blue
What time is it? 9am
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? Oh yeah!
Broken a bone? Nope
Been onstage? NO
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Yes
Been to a funeral? Yes
Been to a wedding? Yeah
Been in love? YES!!
Sang in public? NEVER
Are you in school? No
Do you work? Yes, I'm a homemaker!
What grade? ---
What classes do you take? ---
Which do you like the most? ---
Which do you hate the most? ---
What do you do? Take care of kids and house!
Best part: Seeing them happy!
Worst part: backtalk!
Song: Higher - Creed
Movie: Walk the Line, Wedding Crashers
Band(s): Creed
Food: Mexican
Word: abc3333$$$##%^^^***
color: black, maybe that'll change when I'm thin?
Hobby: hanging out with friends, online, creative memories
TV Show: Desperate Housewives, Greys
Place: anywhere warm with water
Number: 13
Sport: Hockey
Holiday: Christmas
Language: englisha!
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate everytime!.
Email/Phone: email
Reading/Writing: reading
Scary Movies/Comedies: comedy
Silver/Gold: Silver
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Paris
What mystical place would you like to go to? not sure
Who is your hero? Jesus!
What's a strange belief that you have?
What are you listening to?
What is your pet peeve? people that rush in the parking lot to get in front of you at a restaurant, you know to get their name on the waiting list!
What are you wearing? black athletic pants with purple stripe on side and black tshirt
What shampoo do you use? Biolage
What are you afraid of? being fat forever!
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 9:07
First Name: Kimberly
Nickname/Secret Identity: Kimbo
Height: 5' 2"
Hair Color (natural): Dirty Blonde
Eye Color: Haxel
What time is it? 9:41 am
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? no, i like my color
Broken a bone? no
Been onstage? A few times, piano recitals and such
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? Yep
Been to a funeral? yes
Been to a wedding? Yep
Been in love? yes, and still in love 15 years later .
Sang in public? no, but in the car and shower, I rock
Are you in school? No
Do you work? Yes
What grade? ---
What classes do you take? ---
Which do you like the most? ---
Which do you hate the most? ---
What do you do? Bariatric patient care coordinator
Best part: Helping other people just like ourselves, realize their dream of a healthier life
Worst part: Having to tell them their insurance do not cover
Song: Everlasting Place
Movie: anything from the 80's
Band(s): anything from the 80's
Food: mexican before surgery, now, pickle juice snow cone
Word: seriouly- from Grays Anatomy
Color: pink
Hobby: scrapbooking
TV Show: House, Ugly Betty, Grays Anatomy and now October Road
Place: Kingsland Texas
Number: 9
Sport: Basketball
Holiday: Thanksgiving
Language: English perhaps?
Chocolate/Vanilla: Don't tempt me.
Email/Phone: Phone
Reading/Writing: Reading
Scary Movies/Comedies: Scary
Silver/Gold: Silver
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Germany
What mystical place would you like to go to?
Who is your hero? Jesus Chrsit
What's a strange belief that you have? not sure
What are you listening to? Kidd Kraddick in the morning
What is your pet peeve? i will need to think about that one
What are you wearing? prairie shirt and top
What shampoo do you use? Suave
What are you afraid of? Drowning, and not being a good mother
Are you left handed or right handed? left
What time is it now? 9:50am
First Name: Sharon
Nickname/Secret Identity: sharonlily or Sharona
Height: 5' 8"
Hair Color (natural): medium brown
Eye Color: hazel
What time is it? 3:06 pm
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? not for a few years now, but I used to dye it all the time!
Broken a bone? only cracked my pinky and sprained my ankle real bad
Been onstage? oh yeah! was in Choir AND theatre in high school ALOT!!!
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? I dunno...?
Been to a funeral? Yeah
Been to a wedding? a LONG time ago when I was a kid... none recently
Been in love? once - maybe... looooong story
Sang in public? yes - I was in choir and sang in Carnegie Hall in NYC with my HS choir on March 11, 2002
Are you in school? part time college student
Do you work? Yes- full time job
What grade? college JR?
What classes do you take? right now, Ethics and Calculus
Which do you like the most? I dunno... I guess ethics is more interesting
Which do you hate the most? cal is kinda hard and I'm taking both online so I teach myself and my senior-in-high-school-younger-brother is in the same Cal class but over a whole year instead of 1 semester and we study together!
What do you do? cellphone warranty/technical service
Best part: I really love the company I work for and the people I work the closest with... seem to be advancement opportunities too!
Worst part: Getting up early and dealing with annoying customers... or annoying coworkers - not the 3 I work closest with tho - they are GRREAT!
Song: too many to choose from
Movie: The Notebook, I guess...
Band(s): can't pick just one - I listen to EVERYTHING!!
Food: maybe this is just because I'm not supposed to eat it yet, but I love a good salad with the perfect ranch dressing! mmmmmmm
Word: definistration - it means being thrown out a window
Color: blue?
Hobby: I'm a nerd so I like to learn about new, random things...
Place: home... or anywhere with my friends
Number: 17
Sport: volleyball
Holiday: Halloween or Christmas
Language: ummm... English cuz I speak it... but I kinda like Greek and have been learning bits and pieces on my own...
Chocolate/Vanilla: depends on my mood...
Email/Phone: depends on the person...
Reading/Writing: depends on the subject...
Scary Movies/Comedies: depends on my mood...
Silver/Gold: depends on the outfit...
HAHA I'm SO decisive, right?
Where in the world would you like to go and why? I want to visit NYC again!
What mystical place would you like to go to? somewhere classy with snow... I think snow is so magic... I've only seen REAL snow once cuz I live in south TX
Who is your hero? I have many heros
What's a strange belief that you have? feng shui?
What are you listening to? my best friend/coworker yelling YES! about something on her computer...
What is your pet peeve? stupid people and car trouble
What are you wearing? white capris with my polo work shirt and strappy heels
What shampoo do you use? depends... I have like 6 kinds of shampoo and 3 kinds of conditioner in my shower at the moment...
What are you afraid of? failure, being alone, silverfish bugs, losing loved ones...
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 3:16 pm
First Name: Lori
Nickname/Secret Identity: Aunt LoLo or Lulabell
Height: 5' 5"
Hair Color (natural): Brown
Eye Color: Green/ Hazel
What time is it? 5:45pm
Male or Female? Female
Dyed your hair? Oh yes, many times!
Broken a bone? Fractured a finger once
Been onstage? many times, I loved theater in school, and still act now when I have the chance
Gone past a "No Trespassing" sign? I don't recall but likely yes
Been to a funeral? Yes
Been to a wedding? Yep
Been in love? Absolutly and still am
Sang in public? In church (in my own pew, but pretty loud)
Are you in school? No
Do you work? Yes
What grade? ---
What classes do you take? ---
Which do you like the most? ---
Which do you hate the most? ---
What do you do? Licensed Customs Broker/ International Freight forwarding
Best part: The girls in my office
Worst part: High stress
Song: She's Everything by Brad Paisley
Movie: The Guardian
Band(s): Newsboys
Food: Japanese (hibiachi grill)
Word: Whaaaattttt? (you gotta hear me say it to understand)
Color: Pink, purple, green
Hobby: Camping/ jetskiing/ baseball
TV Show: WHAT ABOUT BRIAN (Gosh I love this show!!!!)
Number: 7
Sport: Baseball
Holiday: Easter
Language: English
Chocolate/Vanilla: Chocolate
Email/Phone: Email
Reading/Writing: Writing
Scary Movies/Comedies: Comedies
Silver/Gold: Silver
Where in the world would you like to go and why? Australia or Italy
What mystical place would you like to go to? Whoville
Who is your hero? Jesus Christ 1st and my husband 2nd
What's a strange belief that you have? That everything in life works together for our good because God knows the BIG picture
What are you listening to? HGTV in the background
What is your pet peeve? It involves politics and it's not a conversation I wish to open up on here. Let's just say I'm ultra conservative!
What are you wearing? Black sqaure net shirt with designs across the neckline and black shorts
What shampoo do you use? Suave (the cheap stuff)
What are you afraid of? God has not given me a spirit of fear but of power and of love and of a sound mind
Are you left handed or right handed? Right
What time is it now? 5:55 pm