I have noticed other boards posting about what they are thankful for and I thought we should pull it into our board. So what are you thankful for?
Lori's thankful that:
I had this surgery and it's already begun to have an impact on my quality of life--for the better
I am no longer a snug size 18
I am able to fit into that cute little sundress I bought 4-5 years ago AGAIN and I look great in it
That I had a GREAT salad for lunch and it didn't make me sick
That I have an amazingly supportive and loving husband
That my in laws came into town from Cali to see us for spring break and that I am able to spend time with them
That my teenage son is very sensative and loving and isn't afraid to say "I love you" in front of people
That my 9 year old is a cuddle bunny still
Oh gosh I could go on, but let's cheer each other on....what are you thankful for today???

awww... Kudos on the teen who isn't afraid to say 'I love you' - that almost brought a tear to my eye!!
And I love your idea for this thread - it makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside and made my so-so day a little brighter!
I am thankful:
For my best friend who had the surgery in May and introduced me to it - she's the best friend I could ask for and I'm so glad she and I were both able to have this surgery and be covered by insurance on it!
that my family supported my decision to have the surgery.
for the wonderful job I have now that provided the insurance that covered the surgery - I hated my previous job and that makes me appreciate this one so much more!
my improved health since having the surgery.
that I am such a fortunate person.
for the people on this website that share stories and experiences, woes and advice and are there to listen and be supportive when we all need it!

I'm thankful that I had so many size 18s in my closet--that's where I go shopping now!
I'm thankful for all of the support that my family and my co-workers have given me.
I'm thankful that my blood pressure is down.
I'm thankful that I don't feel like I'm starving to death all day anymore.
I'm thankful that the guilt feelings associated with eating is gone!
Wow!! Great idea!! I am have so much to be thankful for!!
1) Being Saved and having a relationship with Christ (and that fact that yet while I was still a sinner and still am, Christ died for me!)
2) God watching over my surgery and giving me the opportunity to improve my health...answering my 4 year prayer so that I would know when the time was right to have this surgery
3) My Family who love me no matter what..even on my bad days
4) My friends who have been so wonderful to me during this...two hanging out all day with me when I had surgery, one spending the night with me
5) My wonderful new job I got a little over a year ago
6) Awesome co workers who support my decision to have WLS
7) A job that pays for this surgery
8) A new outlook on things
9) My desire to exercise
10) Watching the scale go down, down, down, down!!!
11) This website and you guys!!
I'm thankful for Jesus.
I'm thankful for my 5 kids.
I'm thankful for my house.
I'm thankful that I was able to have this surgery without insurance coverage.
I'm thankful the surgery is working.
I'm thankful I threw-up today for the first time post-op because I ate something I shouldn't have.
I'm thankful for this website...

This is great.
I am thankful to have the best husband who has been so supportive during the whole process.
I am thankful that God saw me through all the pain I suffered as an obese person and finally answered my prayers.
I am thankful for Blue Cross Blue Shield New England. They approved me in less than a week with no comorbidies.
I am thankful for the friends I have made during this journey, they have been an inspiration at times and a kick in the pants other times.
I am thankful that I am no longer limited to shopping in the plus sizes. My horizons have finally expanded
Mostly, I am thankful to have a bright beautiful future to share with my daughter. She and I rode our bikes together yesterday and the gleem in her eyes was all the proof I needed that I made the right decision.
Thanks for this, Lori. It made me realize I am truly blessed.