I'm beginning to get worried... I finally broke under 220 about a week ago when I weighed and my scale said 219.6 - I was so excited! but since then, my scale has been fluctuating between 220-222!!
I haven't been eating that much and I've been trying to eat more protein, less carbs, and drink more water... is this normal? and what can I do to start losing again?? I didn't freak out when I stahled or fluctuated over a day or two but this has been for a while and I'm really getting worried... I'm barely below what weight I've always gotten stuck at when I dieted before and I'm scared that this is going to be like every other time I've tried to lose weight - that 2 months and 35ish lbs into it, it will stop and I'll be stuck here until I end up gaining it all back and then some!!

I hear your desperation. I am so sorry you are stalled. I too was stalled at the point that I always got stuck on ordinary diets. But I am here to tell you that the scale will move in the right direction again. It honestly took me 10 days or so to get any movement, but when it started I was back to losing a pound a day. I recently stalled again (over the last 2 days) but my period is here so I am just chalking it up to that. Keep the faith, the scale will move again.
Make sure you share your joy when it does.

Hi Sharon:
One other thing to remember......unlike every other diet you have now have a new anatomy and much smaller stomach. So it is pretty hard to fail at this. Don't be discouraged. Our bodies are still adjusting to this new thing going on with it and it freaks out and stalls every now and again...but as you just heard...the stalls will pass! Keep us posted on your progress!