Flat on my tush
Well things were going so well. Here is what happened. We were coming home from a friends house at about 10pm and I had my hubby pull the car out a bit since the drive way is so narrow. We had taken two cars, he drove a friend that likes to drink. Any way on my way to the drivers side I stepped right into a 2' ditch square on my left foot. Omgosh the pain was so intense, worse then anything that I went through with my RNY. I couldn't put any weight on it. That night I actually had to crawl to the bathroom. The next morning I had hubby take me to the urgent care. The good news is that I didn't break anything. The bad news is that it is badly sprained. So I have to stay off it and baby it. I was supposed to go back to work today but couldn't as I still can't put any weight on my foot. Doubt I will be able to go tomorrow as well. I hate this. I was doing so well, I was up to 1.7 miles walking. Sigh..... was going to start my workouts next week. uuuugh so frustrating. I know this is a small thing but haven't been able to fix anything good just soups and easy to make stuff.
most likely have lost. Waaaaaa I can't even get on the scales. Think hubby hid them from me.... hehe. Thanks all just wanted to vent.
Oh on a good note..... I am sitting in the lazyboy last night and hubby stopped and just looked at me. I was like what? He said it looks like you are deflating.....
I guess that's a good thing.